On Mars:
Satire for Advanced Thinkers
Dear Laughing
Brain People,
Alas, what chances of finding remnents of intelligent life on Mars when it barely exists here on Earth.... What's my Erfie doing on another planet? That's what I want to know.... I thought I locked my back yard gate. *****
Most people enjoyed the Rover on Mars page, previous-- thanks for your notes to me.
HOWEVER, I am amazed --
actually, I should have seen this coming!- that I have received a couple
of dead serious replies to the "Another Face On Mars"
web page, i.e. >Not at all funny Neil. >Ed
Even Janet Reno had the ability to recognize and enjoy satire about herself (re: Saturday Night Live, on which she appeared next to Will Ferrell in his Janet Reno dress and makeup) Laughter and the ability to laugh at one's own sacred cows is an invaluable frontal lobes skill. Laughter makes life more fun. The ability to laugh appropriately is one major STRUCTURAL difference betweeen reptile brains and dolphin brains (bigger than human brains). Are your frontal lobes laugh circuits connected?
Obviously, no insult or offense intended to those who take a serious interest in examining life and proof of life off earth-- From me, the notion
that I would make fun of such a thing is funny itself! Look at the pages
on my site! LOL!!!
NOTE: From Stan
Romanek concerning "Another Face On Mars" -
"Neil, -LOL Ok I admit thats funny smart ass lol lol"
Later Brain People,
Fun, funny, intelligent
brain books and music at
"Have Fun"