Home Depot
Mike Boom Pole

Courtesy of The Amazing Brain Music Adventure

Okay folks, here's another ANTI-PHOTO EQUIPMENT suggestion you may enjoy-

Yes, once again a visit to FVESCO here in Denver (Professional Hollywood "Film and Video Supply Company") alerted me to the reality of the oh so necessary cost of a professional fiberglass or carbon fiber microphone boom. This tool is a marvel of modern engineering, and something no serious filmaker can afford to be without.

"Our company has researched all the scientific parameters so that your modern microphone boom operates in the most efficient and safe manner, causing a minimum in stress and the utmost ease in your sound engineer's paws---- um, hands."

Please make out your personal check for $350 for the 8 foot model, or $859 for the DELUXE 10 foot model.


First I ordered an Electrovoice camera shoe microphone shock mount from B and H for $30. Of course, this is a piece of plastic tubing with rubber bands on either end, and if I wasn't so lazy I could have created the same thing from the hardware store out of PVC tubing for about 25 cents.

Anyway, I fell for THAT one , but then SWITCHED ON MY FRONTAL LOBES (see web site) and went to Home Depot and bought for $19.95 a fiberglass extendable LIGHT BULB CHANGING POLE.

I drilled out the end of that, and installed the proper double end threaded bolt from  the hardware store- $1 using 1/8 tube of JB Weld super duper epoxy. I then screwed my mike shock on the end of the tube---- (yes, it comes apart too)---

VOILA- Mike boom.

I checked out the length and weight of my sturdy and lightweight pole and compared with the PROFESSIONAL poles out there:

My Home Depot "Professional" boom Pole is actually LIGHTER by many ounces, and quite a bit longer LONGER (15 feet, folks)  than comparible fiberglass poles costing ten times more dinero. Yes, it does not flex when fully extended- unless you put a cinder block on the end of it.

If 15 feet isn't long enough, you can buy a window wiper holder aluminum pole instead-- but be prepaired to pay big bucks for that piece of specialty equipment- it's $10 more.

It also has the added benefit of being bright and cheerful yellow, warning gaffers and grips to get out of the way when it comes swinging by.

Price does not include optional professional removable vinyl electrical mike-cord attaching strips.

This Home Depot Boom Pole has been rigorously and SCIENTIFICALLY tested under the most strenuous filming conditions and has won numerous AWARDS from the National Council On Custodial and Film Supplies.

Please NOTE: This pole is actually several ounces lighter than the equivalent GIZMO "professional" poles. The cable is secured externally, which allows you to control all cable noise, and change faulty cables- impossible when the cable may rub inside a pole. We used this pole on an extended feature shoot last year and had ZERO mike handling noise. Use a little skill and common sense folks.


MY FEATURE MOVIE SHOT WITH DVX100 edited in Vegas 6.0


TRUE Widescreen Letterbox video on a Standard TV. Yes.

DVX100 .3X DIY Semi-Fisheye Lens Project

$40 GL2 .5X GL2 Super Wide Angle DIY Lens Project

Better and Cheaper Mike Boom Pole

EXTENDED Super Camera Jib/Crane Modification

Better Almost Free Flip-Out LCD Lens SHADE for Camcorders and DVX100

English and Scottish Windpals (wind noise protection)

Desktop PC DVD Burning 42X speed 3 Simultaneous Reliable Burns on 8X Media

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