Wind blowing in the mountains
Trees might fall today
Will anybody hear?
We'll go up later
and drag them down,
They will crackle and snap
Keep us warm in the cold of winter
I can hear the wind,
but not the trees falling.
The crackle and snap,
I hear the sound of sap in the fire
I smell the special
scent of maple wood, burning.
Trees will fall today
and in the winter, I will
light up the sky with joy
at the crackle and snap,
the friendly warmth,
and the silence of trees
falling, falling
with no-one to hear.
In the low lands fog drifting in,
Filling that which did not seem empty before.
This fog,
Cloudy haze.
up on the hill
I believe I see clearly
What is moving in
On lower ground.
I think I see its form
The shape seems clear.
This shape is shifting,
Its form toward me
Trans-forming all.
Trans-forming me.
Vaporous mist
Ghostly shapeless forms
Drawn toward warm longing
Filling in all spaces.
This Fog
First formless
Then cloudy confusion.
I cannot see from higher ground
I must enter in to know the fog
I must stand still
Letting the fog know me.
Blinding me to all but its essence.
A chicken farmer sees a flash
across the Arizona sky.
Next morning he looks vacant.
His movie is not in color.
Most of the men in Santa Mira look
Someone is leaving large vegetable pods
beneath their beds.
Each veined pod carries an exact vegetable
duplicate of each man.
The terrified astronomy student
has found some pulsing pods in his cellar.
He is making angry salad with an axe.
The botanist?s daughter is lovely, but she
has weak ankles. She falls and screams.
The duplicates stay awake all night
smoking in the dark. They ignore their children.
Their wives know that these are not
the men they married.
They are not.
The duplicates are not really alive
and they want to go home,
to fly back into the sky.
You can tell by the absent look in their eyes.
lights and spaces
by Catheann
many places
by Scotakait
Within the barriers
I yearn to pull throug
The vertical liquid
Deep waves of peace and chaos.
Not mine
Couldn't be
I can't do that!
I cannot do that!
When will I know?
Look, up in the sky
Fragrant, mythic, dazzling life created/destroyed by me.
I did do it.
I did.
I am.
I'll create again.
And again.
I know my individual terraine,I know my individual terraine,
by dAr
from internal territorial maps.
I script my actions,
as I play
Possibility Leap Frog
platforms of desire.
I glide the hills.
I float the valleys.
I follow
The Snail
by Grace E. Miazza
The snail pulls doggedly forward.
A powerful soul resides within
its carefully fabricated shell.
Proud, a law abiding form,
the snail listens not
to the beckoning call of God's voice
whispering in the windswept trees,
roaring in the furious ocean,
humming in the silent darkness within.
What joy feels the snail
amidst the shifting patterns
of light and dark,
of heat and cold,
of satiety and hunger.
A myriad of questions
remain unasked
in the timid, boring mind
of the habit ridden snail.
The sky resembles a faded old umbrella,
by Anitha Varma
Full of holes.
Stars twinkle and wink at me,
As though we share a secret joke.
An answering smile tug at the corners of my lips.
The concrete beneath my feet
Breathes out hot, humid sighs.
A light breeze has started.
My filmy dress ripple and foam around me.
The soft folds lap
In caressing, comforting waves.
Peace enfolds me in a cozy embrace.
Time seems to have lost its tyrannical sway.
I wonder vaguely, how it is
That now I am touching the stars
The very same ones that mischievously twinkle at me again.
The blue fire trapped in them tries to leap out..
I wear some round my neck
Sprinkle tiny ones over my dress and hair!
‘A great new fashion statement’
The thought makes me smile.
Raindrops shock me.
I look around as if roused from sleep,
Was I asleep, or actually awake-
In a timeless eternity?
I may never know
The starry sky is so far away.
I look at my fingers
Where their touch still lingers.
There, on my forefinger a stardust speck !
I gaze back and smile,
For now, we really do share a secret.
It isn't what you understand,
It isn't what you know.
It's not the speed with which you move,
Be it fast or slow.
It's not the hairs upon your head,
Nor the measure of your girth,
It's not the way you smile or frown,
Nor your financial worth.
It's not what makes you laugh or cry,
Nor the color of your skin.
It's not the length of arms or legs,
Nor with whom you're kith or kin.
It's not how far you hit a ball,
How well you catch or throw.
It's not how strong your muscles,
Nor how well you cook or sew.
It's not the keenness of your ear,
Nor the sharpness of your eye.
It's not how long your days on earth,
Neither when nor how you die.
What is the scale for all mankind,
Son and daughter, man and wife?
The one great measure, the one that counts
Is the WAY you live your life!
Miracles are moments
when will and truth are one
And in these moments
as strength and light meet and unite
love expands
embraces me as its own
Miracles are moments of love
that I have begun to BE
by Keven Allen Cotter
I found a key inside of me,
It looked funny at first,
I thought, it won't fit.
But this key inside you see,
Could quench my thirst,
Every bit.
My thirst for love,
It fit quite well.
My thirst for truth,
My lips to tell.
My thirst for knowledge,
Best of all.
My thirst for freedom,
I now stand tall.
This little key inside of me,
I soon found out it had a mate.
To my astonished mind you see,
Quite a twist of neato fate.
And I soon discovered with my twin keys,
I could open any gate.
Little keys almond shaped,
Right behind my eyes.
Keys to all of time and space,
Always there and ready to FLY!
Want to improve things?
by James
Click amygdalae forward.
Up, up and away.
A feather's tickle.
Frontal lobes may awaken.
The prize was found not.
Something must spring forth.
Each from its amygdala.
Could this be the key?
Rainbow light sabres.
All colors and every hue.
Gaze on one or all.
And now, for the sound.
Not a whurr it is music.
The brain's orchestra.
All known instruments.
Harmony with no discord.
Hear all or any.
The mind's ear and eye.
Light sabres and melody.
Something arises.
It is a forest.
Yet, no animals roam here.
No tree or plant grows.
One's brain is the earth.
On which will stand the forest.
Antennae will rise.
Behold, they shoot forth.
Coiled springs of energy.
Join self and cosmos.
Input and output.
Not a sponge, a transceiver.
The cycle is whole.
Sluicegates open wide.
Feelings, thoughts and sensations.
Overflow the soul.
River and a dam.
A circuit and energy.
Ah, symbiosis.
Needed, a concept.
To join with "forward clicking."
But where to find it?
"Jarod" is fiction.
Based on fact THE PRETENDER.
The boob tube provides.
"Image streaming"'s muse.
Click forward amygdalae.
Two theorems, one seed.
A plateau is gained.
Many crests they stand waiting.
The ascents go on.
by Richard Pfanenstiel
I skimmed the directions
And got out my feather
After numerous erections
I turned to a feather
When the feeling did pass
I tickled my amygdala.
It doesn't rhyme but
Who gives a sh-t...
Woo Woo Wow!!!
Within the Human BodyMind,
what is the purpose of a Spark?
A Spark ignites, if understood.
If fired up fierce passion plays
upon the Face of God-
within the Heart of God.
MotherFather, Light this realm.
Tend this carefully laid-out plan
to fan these Sparks to Brilliant Flame.
A Spark is here in everything.
Why be distracted by so much.
Illusions all...
Not well and good,
Not this or that,
Not us or them-
but just One Thing.
Yet- One Is All,
and all have Sparks that must ignite.
Vast Fires rage, yet can be held
within the conscious, understood.
Held safely, held gently-
even used to Love and Heal.
Within the Human BodyMind,
Matter is Magnetic Fire,
Spirit is Electric Fire.
Wed together sparks the Flame.
Let this Inner Light explain
how to ignite Divine Flame.
Unify the BodyMind.
Integrate the Heart and Mind.
Illuminate the Cosmic Mind.
Allow the Fire to exclaim
The Gods Within.
Their Presence- plain.
Night opens in sleep
Rose scented warm breezes stir;
Xenophiles xebec.
Gem in sky azure
Water lily floats on waves;
Dragon fly responds.
Still pond comforts rock
Mist and man arise to fade;
All is still again.
Starlit sky unseen
Frozen pellets char the past;
Hunched shoulders press on.
Xanthic froth fading
Silent gulls express for all;
Value survival.
push me
pushing me
pushing enter
pushing enter me
me pushing enters
enter pushing me
pushing enter
pushing me
me push
On delicate wings
Velvety soft and ever fragile
The butterfly sings
Forever's song in stunning silence.
On evening's breeze
Touched with warmth and kissed with shyness
With heavenly peace
Forever's heart beats: Hopeful, timeless
In turmoil's wake
Souls and spirits are shaken by sorrow
Worn hearts do ache
Pray for healing; Hope for the morrow
But of this be certain
At darkest hour stands someone beside you
Protected by curtains
Of prayers; belief in you and all you do
Humans do the darndest things
It makes me shake my head
Most will claim religion
But practice hate instead
Most say they want freedom
Then give away their power
To those who practice dominance
Each and every hour.
We say we have compassion
For our fellow man
But do we feed the hungry
And shelter those we can?
We claim to love our children
To whom we've given birth
Then we seek destruction
By killing Mother Earth
I'm not sure how it got this way
Maybe it's genetics
Anyone observing us
Must think we're schizophrenics!
I click my amygdalae and wait
Wait for inspiration to strike.
I look at the blank screen and despair
Come on, come, its getting late!
WHAT...? Why...? How...? Oh my!
So this is it, is it? - great saints!
No warning - a 10,000 Watt lightning
Out of the ether - Did I die?
Now speeding through the thick swirling Jupiter dust,
Now watching Saturn's asteroid necklace,
Now speeding past Vega, Is'nt that the Orion?
The blue gleaming jewel - It must be the earth, it must!
Time looks like a sieve, I whizz back and forth,
Watch dinosaurs cavorting on a trembling earth,
The first man takes his doddering step,
Hoary Rishis chant 'OOmm....'
All on a sudden - what happenend?
I am myself - I'm back!
The cosmic show over ? - So fast!
But no! please, let it have no end!
Just one trip, and I have got hooked!
God, when is the next fix going to be!
The cosmic junkie cannot wait,
Cant choose either - there's the catch!
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Another Dimension
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