UPDATE: Welcome! October 10, 2005

Greetings all fellow Brain Explorers!

New Visitor Section down the page...


The web site is well above 600 MEGABYTES of free information, articles, links, music, pictures, photos, and art. It's so big, I have to use GOOGLE to find one of my articles...

Tell everybody you know to visit our site- Send them a link! >>> www.neilslade.com <<< FreE aNd FuN!

New NEW!!  Online Download Brain Book Sets are now available at huge savings ONLINE Brain Books

New NEW!! I have made a VERY interesting new UFO presentation available here UFO DVD

New NEW!! The Brain Book and Music Store, Brain Music Central, and lots of other pages have been reformatted and have a great new look- skip around!


NEW!! Our HIT Movie has several of it's own pages starting here: An AMAZING BRAIN ADVENTURE DVD

NEW!! Please Steal and Spread this movie clip ACROSS THE WEB: Brain Man Pogos

NEW!! This is for your "Mammal Brain" (the middle layer of your human brain) The Erfie and The Chloe Show

The NEW AND IMPROVED  Find Your Amygdala Here Page. Now you have no excuse...

BRAIN MAGIC LESSON #1 in the Library

Ever so popular and keen:  Your Brain in 29 Seconds!

YET ANOTHER Demonstration of advanced frontal lobes at work: Brain Radar Works For You and Your Friends

NEW!! Listen to hours of streaming audio on Brain Radio

Updated INK JET STUFF in The Library-- A Brainy Printers, Ink, and Paper Review for 2004

Also MANY NEW Library From Another Dimension Articles

New Brain Visitor Clicking Art Here

ACTUAL AMYGDALA PICTURES added to the Find Your Amygdala Here Page. Now you have no excuse...

I am finally editing our Brain Adventure DVD (about time!) and that will be out shortly as well. This will be a one-of-a-kind crazy fun Monty Python meets The X-Files brain edu-tainment collection of brain music, stories, insanity, nature, paranormal, and instructions how to click your brain into pre-existing glorious infinity circuits. A real BRAIN BLAST, for sure.

People are really enjoying the newly released (last fall) Brain Lab Talks and Frontal Lobes Supercharge Audio CDs. The HAVE FUN: Anti-Rules Audio CD Set is now available. Visit the Brain book and Music Store for details and ordering.

For our Chinese Brain Fans, we have in our possession a complete and un-abridged Chinese translation of the Frontal Lobes Supercharge, and it is now in printing progress. Available by the end of February. If you read Chinese, or have friends in Peking, this is for you.

MOST IMPORTANT: The newest medical research is corroborating what we have been saying here for 25 years- you can consciously "click" your amygdala- the brains "MASTER CLICK SWITCH"- forward at will, and turn on pleasure, creativity, intelligence, peace of mind. The newest tools are real time imaging using magnetic resonance scanners. These machines allow scientists to map the activity of a brain at work, and allow documentation of processes deep inside brain tissue. Visit The Library From Another Dimension for the latest updates and JOIN THE YOUR GREAT BRAIN ADVENTURE group list on the main index page for weekly updates (no junk mail, no added lists).

Two New BRAIN AUDIO CD Books NOW available:

#1) BRAIN LAB TALK SERIES: A Three CD set: one studio recording and two live presentations, 3 hours.
During my tenure at the Dormant Brain Lab, I presented a series of public talks and presentations with lab director T.D. Lingo. These talks introduced and helped people to understand the focus and the ongoing work of the lab. Here are three examples, VERY rare recordings, available nowhere else. You can now hear these historic presentations and hear the history, the science, the philosophy, the methods.......You are THERE.

and #2) The FRONTAL LOBES SUPERCHARGE Special Edition Audio BOOK CD set. This is the complete and un-abridged NUMBER ONE Brain Book on very convenient and fun to listen to audio CDs. SIX hours of "How to click your amygdala and TURN ON your brain" on five CDS. Listen and review anywhere- running, in your car, next to your bed, on the bus.

Audio Books are fantastic and easy ways to absorb great new information or simply review and get the facts down. Get them at
The Brain Book and Music Store

This site has a few new FLASH bits (mostly page titles), it you need to download the Flash plug-ins for your computer, please go here: Flash

MENSA BRAIN COMMENTS: Haakon Rian Ueland of MENSA International writes to me from Norway- some of you may recall the enthusiastic review of the Complete Brain Book and Music set from previous..."Did I ever tell you about my policy? I select products that look best - and then, if they prove not to be, I don't review them. Guess that means your books & tapes are pretty damn good!"

If you're new around here and haven't yet seen this, you MUST look at The Fire Brain-Man Page . This is an absolutely authentic demonstration of Brain Energy Power.

I'm also awaiting a copy of the FOX TV news interview with yours truly, and Lawrence Blair, creator of the documentary film from which we posted the excerpt above. When it arrives, I will post a Real Video or Quicktime version at this site.

Join our "Your Great Brain Adventure" group to keep posted of all Brain NEWS events. >>Sign on at the top of the main index page<<

New Items in the BRAIN BOOK and MUSIC STORE. Every order now includes a free 70 minute Brain Interview and Brain Music Demo CD.

Lots of FREE fun and useful info on this very extensive web site. Many new events happening here during December- so stay tuned!

I continue to hear from many professionals, including medical doctors, psychologists, and scientists from around the world who are using the information from this site and in the books. Make no mistake, brain self-control is REAL.

Any doubts? Please read this: 12/5 Let's Start With A Letter...

We keep it simple here. As a professional musician and teacher I have put these methods and ideas to THE TEST in real world applications. The proof is in the feedback I get from students, people via letter and internet, and in my own work and productivity. (No I don't spend 8 hours a day locked up in a clinical laboratory.) For everyone, ages 6 through 96, it is a matter of becoming familiar with how your brain works, and applying your new awareness of basic brain mechanics to your daily life. Once you begin to do this and continue to do this- a VERY SIMPLE process that you make automatic, like learning how to brush your teeth- your life goes exactly where you want it to go. FUN.

And in case your science teacher at school missed, it, the most advanced part of your brain- your frontal lobes- is where your sense of humor resides- so be prepared to laugh, and enjoy yourself- brain and behavior science is not a dry dreary thing any more. Yah hoo!!

We are now offering the newest Brain Music CD COSMIC CONVERSATIONS at the most reasonable price of $5.95 with any other Brain Book or Music order. Since we manufacture and distribute our own CD's, we are able to offer this exceptional music at this exceptional price. Our order page is here with much more information: Brain Book and Music Store

All other CD's and double album cassettes are offered at $7.95. The albums are full length (40-50 minutes as a rule), and the CD's are the highest quality after countless hours of state-of-the-art digital re-mastering. See Brain Music Central for details on why Brain Music IS different and better and more FUN for you.

Bonus Brain Stuff at the Brain Book and Music Store this month- every Complete and Super Complete Brain Book and Music Set order will include a hand autographed very high quality 8X10 photographic print signed by Neil Slade quite suitable for framing- it is of the original painting by Neil that graces the top of the index page, see it here PRINT .

All of the Brain Music albums have been DIGITAL RE-MASTERED, and they sound really great. Streaming selections are at Streaming Music Page and elsewhere on the site. Although the cassette versions of each album has always been extremely good, the new CD versions are REALLY SUPER- so check out the details.

If you are new to this site, there is plenty here. PLENTY! As you explore all the various parts of the site, you'll find that sections are linked together internally, so don't be afraid of getting lost. You can always come back to the main page and work your way through each section. Know that there is a very wide variety of material, from brain to brain music to art to opinion to humour, and it's all related to your brain/mind and how to make it all work better beyond your wildest dreams. The new brain book/music (originally Brain 2020) is now called "Cosmic Conversations" and is shipping now. This is for Brain People who have read previous books. Take this link for more info: New Brain Book Info

If you are a new visitor and have not read any previous books, please take this Main Brain Books Link. Thanks! IMPORTANT: BOOK AND TAPE ORDERS

You may order ANYTHING from the order page: Brain Book and Music Store and also via the 1-888-331-7589 number. I keep the main phone message short so new callers won't be confused, but you can make any book or tape request via that service. For mail orders use Neil Slade, PO Box 6799, Denver, CO 80206 ALL orders are now shipped PRIORITY MAIL for increased speed and reliability.

Absolutely magnificent positive reports of SUCCESS continue to pour into my email, phone, and PO Box. This means PEOPLE REALLY ENJOY LEARNING HOW TO WHISK THEIR BRAIN TO WONDERFUL NEW LEVELS OF PERCEPTION, CREATIVITY, INTELLIGENCE, and PLEASURE- YOU will also love developing your own brain powers- this works! See our comments section from the main index page list.


From Neil:
The Amazing Brain Music Adventure is about many things. First and foremost, about YOU and that AMAZING most advanced BRAIN you have, and what unlimited things you can do with it and HOW TO. These day's I'm recording and playing a lot of music, and putting some of it up here, but you'll learn about getting into vast infinity circuits inside your own brain, and you'll be creating whatever it is you want to create, at levels that surprise you daily. Clicking your amygdala and popping your frontal lobes means you express yourself- like never before! (Explore the site and you'll learn what that all means....)

Turning on these newly discovered brain circuits and every day becomes an exploration into the delightful NEW and UNKNOWN! A blast off into new universes, and you're the star!!

After you've looked around the site, and learned something about new frontiers in brain and behavior, Check out the lighthearted brand NEW AND IMPROVED BRAIN ART GALLERY (link on main web page). It's been a long while since I've worked on it, but I know you'll enjoy the new descriptive narration and the new paintings.

Note, I've added some new background music, COMPLETE Chopin Preludes (the longest playing file yet, it must go on for a half hour, and it loads in 30 seconds), some Debussy, and Satie. These pieces are accessed at the top of the main page, and also in the Art Gallery at the start and then midway through the show. Some more original music to follow soon, and a SPECIAL SURPRISE coming!! If you have trouble hearing these, just take the "Music Info" link.

Don't forget to visit The Library for some new articles. Note, I've added shelves, the new stuff is on the 2nd shelf down.

You can explore the site in any way you find fun, hopping around, link jumping from one area of the site to another, or going very methodically down each page, starting with the main page...it doesn't matter. What matters is that you know that the information here is very real and legitimate. Even the most far out sounding things here are backed up by documented research by dedicated folk in the educational and scientific world. I've supplied references in appropriate places, especially in the printed books (Available at the Brain Book and Music Store).

Don't let my sense of humor throw you- I've just learned that it always helps to keep a smile on your face, even when approaching the most serious and controversial of subjects- including and especially BRAIN.

Music is a VERY important part of expanding consciousness and accelerating the efficiency of your mind and brain. We now know this from careful research and methodic examination. By the way, most areas of the site cross link with each other, so don't worry about having to come back to this page later for the above links.

I VERY strongly recommend you join the Brain Explorers list, which you'll find at the top of the main page. I periodically announce new articles and live radio broadcast announcements (Like ART BELL National Radio Interviews) via that service- and I DON'T GIVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS OUT TO ANYBODY! Brain Explorers is simply for your education and enjoyment, unlike many other commercial prone lists. And you can unsubscribe with a quick click if you want (But why?!)

Okay, enough chat chat chat--- On to YOUR BRAIN ADVENTURE!