Most of your paranormal information comes through as visual or auditory data. You can help accelerate your sensitivity to this information by using sound and MUSIC. Einstein used to play the violin to loosen up his brain- you need to at least listen to it. Ancient meditation techniques almost always incorporate sound as part of the experience, i.e. mantra, music, bells, chimes, etc. The kind of music you listen to has specific effect on your brain. (That's also why I create different kinds of "Brain Music".)
Here's a simple example: A experiment, as reported in a recent issue of Parade Magazine, mice rats running a maze. I don't know about you, but it is very easy sometimes to feel like a mouse in a maze driving across town. 72 mice divided into 3 groups: Control group had no exposure to music. Group 2 listened to Mozart. Group 3 listened to Anthrax, a heavy metal band. The control group averaged 5 minutes through the maze. Mozart group averaged 1 1/2 minutes! The Heavy Metal mice took 30 minutes average.
I've got nothing against any type of music. Just be aware that each flavor of sound has it's own effect on your brain. Choose carefully!