Life is very busy for us and we find that as we move thru the day we do not think to check to see if we are clicked forward. The feathers in our homes help to remind us and we are going to hang feathers (not pictures but real or fake) in our cars and at our work place. When we do remember to click forward it has surprised us how fast we click back without even knowing this has happened. Rose finds with her health problems, that this is especially true when she is not feeling well.
When I click forward I recognize this state of being as the same state of mind I center to when I do Therapeutic Touch.
Rose and I are both comfortable listening to the CD music and even find ourselves singing a long. (Mark that on your calendar!!)
For next week we will choose either the first exercise in the book or the similar one described on the Lingo tape and note the results.
Until next time- Barbra and Rose
Present: Rose, Ruth, Barbra
The past 2 weeks we added listening to the Brain Music tape.
Ruth has no problem at all listening to this tape or the CD because of
the music her teenagers have played at home. Rose can listen to the
tape some days and other days she cannot listen to it at all. Barbra
turns on the tape or the CD each morning as she cleans up the kitchen after
breakfast and a lot of the time pays little attention to it. We have all
noticed some effect from the music
from an increase in our energy level to irritating us to the point
of turning it off. We all agree the more you force yourself to listen
the longer you can play the tape. It is even starting to make some
sense to Barbra.
Some of the observations in being clicked forward are:
Sometimes both sides do not click forward. Ruth has a hard
time clicking her left side forward while her right side is already there.
When Barbra clicks forward she has a definite physical relaxing of the
muscles in her neck and shoulders.
We all experience a state of "emotion-less-ness", view life more
objectively, a more positive outlook on life and what we are dealing with
at the time, ego-less-ness and increases our ability to "live in the now".
Both Rose and Barbra chose the exercise on the Lingo tape.
Doing this exercise gives Rose a headache. The first time Barbra did
the exercise it was very comfortable, but when she increased the flow as
described on the tape the energy moved around and around inside her head
and blasted out of the center of her forehead like a light house beacon.
All three of us feel something going on in the center of our forehead when we click forward and especially when we do the exercise.
For next week we will put up more feathers. Continue listening to the music as we can. Choose another exercise to add. Drink more water.
Until next meeting: Ruth, Rose, Barbra
Any time your head hurts from doing any brain activity- this is a signal for you to STOP IMMEDIATELY. While you may think you are clicking forward, you have actually clicked backward into reptile brain fight or flight stress responses. Slow down, be kind to yourself and treat your mind motor gently. Clicking your amygdala forward and using your frontal lobes will never ever give you a headache, and only serve to relieve pain. Remember- pleasure=forward click, pain=backward click.
I have received exemplary compliments on all the Brain Music albums, including the CD and all the pop/rock stuff. Your Complete Set has a very wide selection of styles- find the ones you like first and go with those. Some adults don't get some of the pop/rock brain music- which might indicate a lack of being connected with that young intense and wild energy we embrace as teenagers. It gets completely lost somewhere around age 31! Advanced Brain Explorers as old as 60 are able to get something out of even the wildest brain music. For general listening- I actually recommend the Mind Music album. or Piano Impressions, or the Tao of Jazz. As a rule- let your amygdala guide you- via positive emotions- what kind of music helps click you forward.
Rule #1- Have Fun. This applies to all exercises and activities. Stop anything that causes discomfort or irritability. Once you stop irritating yourself- ask yourself "Why?" and counteract the irritation with EXPANDED VIEWPOINT. You may find through experimentation that deliberate CURIOSITY is often an antidote to apparent discomfort. I often approach unfamiliar things with curiosity and this displaces initial weirdness I might feel trying something new. And "new" is what the frontal lobes thrive on.
Of course if you are 100% sure that you have to do
something, even with a bit of temporary discomfort, that's alright-
like getting a tooth fixed. Too often, we force ourselves to do something
that we don't like- and this is always indicated, once we bother to think
about it for a second, by REASONABLE DOUBT. Don't ignore this! It's your
frontal lobes talking.
On the other hand, one can stick with the old and familiar- and
miss much of what life has to offer. When can stay in a comfortable bed
all day long, all week, all month, all
year----and you'll get fat and lazy. What happens to people who fail to continually
expose themselves to new things?- Their brains literally rot, and their neural
connections atrophy and dwindle in number. So, curiosity and the ability
to expose oneself
to new things, unfamiliar things, different languages, other views
is KEY to building powerful adaptive frontal laboes circuits that will
serve you extremely well in reaching all your goals.
Also, one must realize, we all like different things. So, in the
end, one balances trying to understand and enjoy a new view, with doing
what comes naturally.