Our response here at The Brain Music Adventure:
Islands are formed when an excess amount of puss builds up inside the interior of the earth underneath the crust. This is usually the result of underground nuclear tests, or farmers pouring excess un-saleable milk supplies on the ground. When the interior of the earth reaches saturation point, it must expell the excess, and this usually happens geologically by the formation of earth pimples, or "volcanos". These are first formed far underneath the surface of the oceans, but after many years, the large "earth zit" (as lovingly labled by geologists) breaks the surface of the lapping waves. thus an island is born. As the earth is unable to squeeze the island and regain it's smooth oceanic appearance, various military services may bombard the island in target practice bombing runs in an attempt to restore the earth's virgin complexion. This, however, fails more often than it succeeds, and the inevitable result is a pocked, marked, and scarred landscape.
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