Here's how you do it: Click your amygdala forward regularly.
One can easily reverse many aspects of aging by utilizing simple, natural advanced brain intelligence, creativity, and emotion computed by one's frontal lobes. See the rest of the site The Brain Adventure for details.
A couple of pictures are worth many words-- so you look and decide.
I demonstrate here, myself as the lab rat. The top picture here is before I gave any of this age reversing energy any thought- happy to grow old doing all of my other wonderful frontal lobes activities.
The picture below is after 2 months (early March Through May, picture from today) of a bit of amygdala clicking forward energy into frontal lobes "get a bit younger" creativity and intelligence. No surgery. makup, or photo magic, thank you, just easy natural methods. I will post further follow up photos in the months to come.
I now weight exactly the same as I did my first year of college- and I am on no "special" diet, and eat whenever I'm hungry. Diets? Ha!
Although the photo exposures differ some between the photos below, note the hair line, the smoothness and firmness of the skin, the lines (or lack of) in the face, etc. I regularly have people coming up to me almost daily asking me "What have you doing? You look ten years younger." This is just the start folks....
Two Months Later:
It's all in clicking forward.
April 18
Per the last email, once one, obviously, starts eating better, the
brain, and all the moods, and creative processes work much more
efficiently. The real trick is knowing yourself, and knowing what
works for you at any given moment, making
about what to eat, how much to exercise, what supplements might be
helpful, and other things pertinent to health.
All of these things change over time as your body changes and adjusts
and as you tune in as to what is optimal for you at any moment.
Think about it? There is SO MUCH ADVICE out there, much of it
contradictory, some of it just plain bad, some of it perfect.
The solution??
Your WHOLE brain.
What does that mean?
Easy. If you are a Brain Explorer and you have bothered to learn a
little brain basics here and there you know that your frontal lobes,
the most advanced part of your human brain, has several modes upon
which you can rely for the most efficient and intelligent decisions
regarding health and staying young in body and mind.
Plug ALL your cylinders on, and your mental mobile and your LIFE will
run powerfully and smooth. The answers lie in frontal lobes CICIL
Brain Power....
Turn on CICIL and you'll make EXCELLENT decisions about what is good
for you.
CREATE new solutions for your problems, and create ideas that nobody
else has even tried or thought of before. You are unique, and you have
infinite potential. Like John Lennon said, (and a few others) if you
there's a problem, there's automatically a solution.
IMAGINE your goal, imagine where you want to be, imagine what it feels
like to BE THERE. This creates energy, enthusiasm, motivation, and the
spark to take action, as well as providing the spark to find the
solutions to get from point A to point B. It is the frontal lobes
ability to think abstractly and work out the details, and to avoid
obsticles in your way, and to figure out the puzzle without wearing
out your feet going down dead ends.
COOPERATE with people who will help you get to where you want to go.
The smart advanced Brain People Friends in your life know that as they
help you- they help themselves. SYNERGY of COOPERATION. Your circle
of friends are the best allies you have. Let your brain radar
discriminate between your true friends, and those fake friends who are
only in it for themselves.
INTUIT the best road to take. Be quiet, listen to those inner feelings
and inner voices. Often, advertising, peer pressure, greed, and haste
will lead you down a dead end, a wrong path. Take the time to tune
into your advanced brain radar, and you'll will find that the correct
road is more than obvious. Most of our brain deals with NON-VERBAL
information beyond simple logic-- use it.
LOGIC, however, is NOT to be discarded, as it is a powerful tool which
dummies are to lazy to tap into. Read, study, get the opinions of
others, look at cause and effect. Those who forget the past are doomed
to repeat it. Don't JUST GUESS. And also,
Don't believe everything you read or are told. Use all your brain.
Tune into what your brain is telling you about how stay healthy and young- at any age. Its all just a click away.
I've had to face it, having a beautiful young assistant hanging around
Brain Central these days has made me terribly conscious of
my own need to watch after and take better care of this physical body
I've been put in charge of these 80, 90 or 100 years or more. It's
easy to forget about the body when your brain is working well- but
alas, a better working body ALSO makes your brain work even
better. It's not as though they are separated, eh?
If you rely on only one or a couple of these fantastic FRONTAL LOBES
abilities, you are like a car running on only a couple of cylinders.