Here's the original design and the actual flag that flew over the Dormant Brain Research and Development Laboratory, atop Laughing Coyote Mountain, 10,500 feet high in the Colorado Rockies from 1957 until 1993.
Each circle of the flag represents a specific part of the Tri-une Brain, inside every human cranium.
Can you tell which circle represents which part of the brain, and what each symbol means?
Below: A variation in sky blue.
Join the do-it-yourself each-one-teach-one Brain Revolution, and make your own flag at home out of
paper, cloth, or digital imagery. Fly your flag and CELEBRATE BRAIN INDEPENDENCE.
Here's a fun and easy way to remember the potential of ALL OUR BRAINS working in CONSENSUS COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE (with all due repsect for flags and their pledges everywhere):
"I pledge allegiance to the BRAINS of the UNITED (as well as varied) STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS. And to the PUBLIC for which it stands, sits, or reclines in a comfortable position, INFINITE STATIONS under the sky, with LIBERATION and PEACE FOR ALL.
Finally, Brain Explorer J. Smith really clicked his amygdala forward and produced this beautiful digital flag for us....Thanks J!