So I having been trying to click my amygdala forward and turn on my frontal lobes, and it worked well the first couple of
times. However, it seems to be getting harder and harder to lock in on that
feeling of joy each time. It seems to become more elusive to capture and
maintain. So what is the problem, am I having a common problem? I guess
there is a problem within myself. So how do I correct my problem or somehow
bridge the gap?
-Clicker X
What you are experiencing is not at all uncommon, and actually the rule. It is the law of diminishing returns. The first time you click, you get a nice pop- pleasure reaction in the anterior amygdala. It indicates you have created or are circuiting into a new area of your brain or creating a new neuropathway. You are learning something NEW.
Your brain has a built in reward system- it gives you pleasure when you learn something new, or use a new part of your brain.
However, if you just keep repeating yourself without breaking new ground- it's like watching reruns on TV, not as much fun as the first time, and less fun each successive time, until you get BORED. This even goes for straight clicking.
Amygdala pleasure comes from doing something NEW, learning something NEW, exploring, creating something NEW. And each time you GROW GROW GROWWWWWWWWWWWWWW you'll get a frontal lobes pop. They'll get bigger and are accumulative PROVIDING you are actually clicking IN CONJUCTION with a
You see? I have given you a jump start, shown you how the brain is wired up, shown you how to turn the key to get your brain motor started-----now you have to take over from here and DRIVE to a destination. Where do you want to go?
Our brains are connected to hands, mouths, legs, arms, eyes, ears, nose----it's not enough to just sit around and click all day, unless your goal in life is to be a guru without any material possessions sitting in a cave. Your click switch is just the ignition, or the gearshift---you have to drive somewhere now. And best of all, now that you are learning brain basics, you'll understand that your amygdala is the perfect indicator, telling you if you are growing and moving forward- or just treading water, stuck in the mud, or sliding downhill.