Anyway, I'm skipping ahead to TODAY's activities in Seattle (Wednesday, August 8) after something like nine days out of Denver. I'll post previous travels as I go along-it seems things have been so interesting that by the time I get back to the motel, I'm out like a light... typing web pages??!
Today started getting a new starter put in my car. It began hinting at trouble as I was starting the car departing town. Of course. By this afternoon, I was starting to see that I would be in the middle of Wyoming pushing my Honda past Yellowstone with Yogi Bear laughing. Fortunately, my brain picked out a motel for me last night with a Napa car parts place on the corner . The manager sent me to this great Mexican American mechanic who did the job for $37 in no time flat. I did have to drive a half hour away to pick up the starter from the Napa Warehouse--- but all of this beat going to the local Honda dealer, who was ready to take at least all day to do the job and charge me three times as much. Thank you Brain Radar- its not what you know, but who you find to fix your car out of town.
I also finally had to get Erfie some "Doggie Happy In The Car" pills. He's become a bit cranky on the highway, and has been getting less happy with each new hundred miles. Chloe travels like a dream, and just sleeps in the front seat after she looks at a few big trees go by. Erfie has been sending me telepathic messages after about 30 minutes in the car, "Are we there YET??" So I tried half a pill on the way to Seattle today (30 minute drive), and he was quite content the whole way. Oh, I can hear the animal lovers cringing now-- "You're giving your dog drugs?!"--- Actually, I have been cooking oatmeal for the dog's breakfast and vegetables for dinner EVERY night on the road in addition to their dried food- so there.
We walked a lot today-- my knee is sore, and the dogs are zonked out now back at the Royal Coachman Inn. But a very good day in general.
Seattle reminds me of San Francisco. Lots of big hills, old houses, funky and crowded streets everywhere, very cosmopolitan. Just the opposite of Denver which is SUCH a totally bland and small cowtown by comparison (although this is definitely one of the things that makes it a decent place to live). I can see why millions have moved here. HOWEVER.....
"Welcome To Seattle...."
Upon arriving at the city limits---- bumper to bumper traffic for miles. I got off at the nearest exit and drove sides streets and saved hours of hot boring waiting in line. This picture above is a good demonstration of how when other routes are available, people would rather wait in slow lines because everybody else is doing it too.
First thing, went to the Seattle Center, home of the Space Needle, where I immediately shot up.
Hey- COFFEE. There's a Starbucks on every corner in this town. It's the law. Caffeine, America's drug of choice. Above is The Erfie and The Chloe Show at the base of the Space Needle. Erfie says to me, "This is a great place to pee." Which is of course what humans are constantly doing more and more these days with all that coffee flowing in their veins.
The panoramic photo below of the area directly next to the Space Needle is actually two separate photos glued together through the modern miracle of my digital editing program.
However, I don't think the architect of the magnificent and beautiful music museum (in the back) envisioned his masterpiece of design sitting next to a roller coaster and a baseball toss booth in Seattle Center.
Here we are outside the monorail, ready to "go for a ride"....
Please see this movie for the inside story..."ViewSideways" (turn your head or monitor to the side for the proper perspective...)
"Reserved Seating"
This guy was selling "Magic Rice" when we got off the monorail. What else can I say....
Some interesting life forms in Seattle...
I can also spot a human brain a mile away in any major city.
Cruising around town, (and Seattle has some hills that San Francisco could call home), I found this M.C. Escher inspired wall and staircase.
See the exciting dramatazation of our accent:
"Forward and Upward!"
Up the street, narrow stone cobblestone pavement, probably a hundred years old and still working....
Apparently, in these steep Seattle streets, its legal to park in either direction on either side of the street, and you see cars on the same side parked going all which ways. I guess the only thing that matters is that your parking brake is operational.....
"Hey, I hope we're not starting to roll backwards.... put a hard dog biscuit under the back wheel....."
Finally, a serenade of groovy sax music as we bid farewell to the hip city of Seattle. "Go dog go"---
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