Welcome to a new feature of Your Amazing Brain
Music Adventure! If you want a really good idea of what is possible with
clicking your amygdala forward, and Brain Self-Control, listen to these
wonderful and historic live interviews. Brain Radio will feature STREAMING REAL AUDIO archived live Neil Slade Brain Show interviews AND fun Brain Music Concert clips and music. You will need REAL PLAYER installed on your computer to listen to these audio clips. We use Real Audio files because it gives you the decent quality streaming sound at the lowest bandwidth. Any Real Player version will work- Neil personally uses the older but fully functional Real Player Version 8 because it is simple and doesn't automatically download ads and other junk (like Window's Media Player). If you don't yet have Real Audio installed on your computer, do it by clicking this link and follow the directions. Version 8 is simple, and what we presently recommend: FREE Real Player 8 Note: Uncheck any of the options while installing,
and just install the player without any automatic options. You may disable
the automatic START CENTER in preferences once installed, yet the player
will still work instantly once you click on a web Real Audio File. Real
Player is only necessary to play "Real" type files, such as the audio files
on this web site. Neil Slade with Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove, 1999: Part One 20 minutes. This is a detailed introduction to Brain and Brain Self-Control. Highly recommended and excellent listening, found no where else except on Brain Radio.Neil Slade with Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove: Part Two 20 minutes.Neil Slade with Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove: Part Three 20 minutes. Neil Slade with Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove: Part Four 20 minutes. Neil Slade with Art Bell, 1998: Part One 19 minutes. This is the second half of the historic original FIRST (and successful) Mass Brain Focus Experiment, Art's first foray into mass audience mind focus to effect paranormal influence. We made it rain in parch dry NE Florida on this date- with no forcast of moisture. (Also see : Cloudbustingand The Great Brain Weather Experiment ) Neil Slade with Art Bell, 1998: Part Two 19 minutes. Continued above. Neil Slade with Art Bell, and Call-In Questions from the audience 1998: Part Three 19 minutes. Neil Slade with Art Bell and call-in questions from listeners, 1998: Part Four19 minutes. THE BRAIN REVOLUTIONARIES at The United States Air Force Academy, 1990
"This is a historic and ridiculously fun recording of a portion of THE ACTUAL PERFORMANCE of the very first public appearance of the infamous Brain Revolutionaries. I had a very precocious 13 year old flute student named Sarah who had already been performing professionally with me around town at various gigs. I got this job playing a concert for the cadets at the USAFA and told her to get a friend and we would form a band and go down to Colorado Springs and play. I also got Kristina Gibson who I fell in love with in the fruit and vegetable section at my local supermarket. It was a performance the Air Force will never forget. (they actually LOVED US.) Read more about the The Brain Revolutionaries here:MORE INCREDIBLE CONCERT FILES COMING THIS WEEK.Purple Haze The first thing I say is "I started playing the guitar about a week ago..." True. A friend of Paul McCartney living in town had just loaned me this very weird Vega guitar the previous week, figuring I could learn quick and teach his kids to play. This is me playing this guitar with the fuzz pedal cranked up to 11, and Kristina doing the vocals. Yes, you will be totally amazed at my mastery accomplished in such little time. We had all these serious looking cadets falling all over the floor and clapping in the middle of the song. It clicked their amygdala's forward out of killer reptile brain into frontal lobes hysterics. The bass and drum parts I played exactly note for note from a transcription of the original recording, and pre-recorded it to play along with it on guitar live with Kristina. Um, the guitar was not quite note for note...but I MEANT IT."Kathy's Secret"This is actually a very pretty song I wrote- contrast with the previous. I pre-recorded the accompaniment on a synth." Neil on sax, and Sarah Rubow on flute.Back to The
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