Brain Thoughts
on September 16, 2001

Who's Thinking Ahead?

In May, former Sen. Gary Hart made an ominous prediction in The Denver Post. He said that a terrorist attack on American soil was likely and a large number of Americans could be killed.

Nobody listened.

He said our national security policy was based on an outmoded Cold War model that failed to address threats from individuals or groups, not "nation-states."

Nobody noticed.

He said a national defense based on might was insufficient in the new century when technological and economic sabotage and sneak attacks were likely strategies. He said that in the age of terrorism, "knowledge and agility are vital." It was not idle speculation.

Hart and former Sen. Warren Rudman co-chaired the U.S. Commission on National Security/21st Century. The bipartisan group worked for 2 1/2 years. The Colorado Democrat and the New Hampshire Republican presented their unanimous report in January.

"The White House shut it down," Hart has said.

The New York Times didn't even cover the story....

(The above article excerpted from Diane Carmen, Denver Post, September 16, 2001)


Last night, I worked all day long on book orders, and other business, and by about 11:30 PM I was ready to relax and call it quits for the day. I took my shoes off, I went into my living room to practice some yoga. A positive and nurturing activity for spirit and body.

About two minutes into one of the exercises I suddenly felt an excruciating pain in my "this little piggie had none" toe. It was as if someone was jabbing a sewing needle directly into the top of my toe. I collapsed on the floor, grabbing my foot, looking at my toe and trying to figure out WHAT THE HELL was going on, my god, the pain was intense. Only a moment later did I see a bee crawling across the floor by my foot.

I got stung. No reason. Here I am minding my own business, doing something positive, and out of nowhere comes this angry bee who figures its his job to attack me. Hey, I'm a vegetarian who has nothing against bees. I didn't deserve this. I didn't even know he was there.

When a bee stings, he dies. Yet he stung me anyway. Dumb ass bee. It accomplished nothing.

I could have kept the back door shut, but I didn't.

So Bee it.

Every Coin

One view of the universe (which I learned at the brain lab), has Universe divided into two main forces: Energy and Entropy.

Energy is what you access when you clean up your room, and make it nice and tidy, and nice to live in. Energy keeps things nice and orderly, like tending your garden.

Entropy is that force that causes your room to look like a tornado just went through. It's that big hailstorm that ruins every tomato in your patch.

The universe is made up of Yin and Yang. Opposites. Nice sunny days, AND hurricanes. Light and dark. Teenage, and Old Age. "Good", and "evil".

Its all one big package called Existance. Consciousness. Universe.

Your frontal lobes will guide you to watch before you cross the street in front of that big Mack Truck coming straight down the block. Your wisdom will help you keep your mind on what is important and essential, and to avoid what is not important and unnecessary.

If you are smart-- you will know not to build your house on the side of the trembling volcano.

But there is something to be said about the giant meteor out in space headed our way. Sometimes you are in the right place at the right time, and sometimes you are not.

Who Is Insane

There are many good people in the world.
But there are also totally insane people. Their brains is broke.

Broke from physical damage, or a bad environment, or trauma, or all.
Often, they congregate into clubs-- figuratively, and literally.
This is collective mass insanity.

Sometimes one guy goes insane.
Sometimes a small circle of people go insane.
Sometimes a nation goes insane.
Such is the movie of human history, from the very beginning, and the show's not over yet.

The trick is to break up insanity before THE big damage occurs.

A warm bed, and a full tummy for all goes a long way to tip the odds in favor of sanity. And even so, often this is not enough.

Murphy's law, rules.

A lasting civilization must be ever watchful, ever vigilant that nothing important goes unnoticed and unattended for long- just like a responsible mom ever watchful of her toddlers, who at any instant might decide to burn the house down.


We hurt. Bad.

But, this week it seems that a few people are confusing Monday night football with War.


It might be worth remembering that our own government, just a decade ago, gave support and arms to Osama bin Laden to fight in Afganistan. Maybe "Kill for Peace" is a double edged sword. Apparently, throwing "bombs" has distinctly different and more complex after effects in real life than it does in the NFL.

Team U.S.A., please proceed with caution.

Turn On, Tune In, or Poof!

What nearsighted reptile revenge/get-even brain circuits has not yet groked is this: Once we drop a few million tons of bombs in the name of patriotism--- these plentiful folk we hate/who hate us so much will simply move in next door on your very own block. Just like the "pilots" from last week's disaster who lived here, legally, as well respected citizens of suburbia. Frightening, but true. Those big buildings were brought down not by guns and fighter jets-- but by evil creativity that walked right by our own sleeping, pre-occupied dormant brain gates.

Poisoning water supplies, stealing and releasing anthrax, wrecking the internet, planning public bombings only takes a table, a few chairs, a 10 foot by 10 foot room, and a pizza.

Cheers! Welcome to the 21st Century. The race is on..... time to turn on those sleepy brain cells....


We've got to be smart. Very smart. Smart enough to understand the present and see the future. BEFORE it happens. All of it.


We are presently hijacked - inside and outside- by nearsighted reptile-brain old thinking, greed, non-creativity, and non-thinking killer ape reactive responses.

Our future survivable SMART civilization will have activated the presently dormant potential of our collective frontal lobes for global
Creative-Imaginitive-Cooperative-Intuitive-Logical wisdom.

Clearly, now there is no other alternative.

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