Not infrequently, visitors to this web site wonder if the claims made at this site are truly genuine. They are. Brain and behavior researcher T.D.A. Lingo may have been quite a character, but often eccentric genius type scientists are. He attended four universities, with his final Ph.D. work at the University of Chicago, followed by intense research and development at his own facility for 35 years. Below, you will find scientific journal and medical foundation findings and references cited by Lingo in his 1981 report on releasing frontal lobes potential (published with annotations as
Cosmic Conversations. Any person wanting to substantiate the scientific and medical background and basis for this brain work may investigate these reliable sources at any good medical or university library.
Note: A simple and less technical (but very interesting) and easy to find book with some references to amygdala and triune brain function is "The Three Pound Universe" by Dick Teresi and Judith Hooper, available at many public libraries.
Adamec, R. Behavioral and epileptic determinants of predatory attack behavior in the cat. In: J. A. Wada (Ed.).
Kindling, New York: Raven Press, 1976, 135-154.
Alonso-deFlorida, F. and Delgado, J. M. R. Lasting behavioral and EEG changes in cats induced by prolonged
stimulation of amygdala, American Journal of Physiology, 1958, 193: 223-229.
Bucke, R. M. Cosmic Consciousness. Secaucus, N. J.: Citadel Press, 1973.
Campbell, H. J. The Pleasure Areas, A New Theory of Behavior. New York: Delacorte Press, 1973, pp. 114-116.
Eccles, J. C. Lecture, University of Colorado, University Memorial Center, Boulder, July 31, 1974.
Gaito, J. The kindling effect as a model of epilepsy. Psychological Bulletin, 1975, 83 (6): 1097-1109.
Glueck, B. C. and Stroebel, C. F. Biofeedback and meditation in the treatment of psychiatric illness.
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Goddard, G. V., McIntyre, D.C. and Leech, C. K. permanent change in brain function resulting from daily
electrical stimulation. Experimental neurology, 1969, 25: 295-330.
-----. Long term alteration following amygdaloid stimulation. In: B. E. Eleftherion (Ed.), The Neurobiology of the
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-----. McNaughton, B. L., Douglas, R. M. and Barnes, C. A. Synaptic change in the limbic system: evidence from
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-----. In: K. E. Livingston and 0. Hornykiewicz (Eds.), Limbic Mechanisms: The Continuing Evolution of the Limbic
System Concept. New York: Plenum Press, 1976.
Gowan, J. C, Altered states of consciousness: a taxonomy. Journal of Altered States of Consciousness, 1978-1979,
4 (2): 141-156.
Greeley, A. M. Ecstasy: Way of Knowing. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall,1974.
Gunne, L. M. and Reis, D, J. Changes in brain catecholamines associated with electrical stimulation of amygdaloid
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Heath, R. G., Monroe, R. R. and Mickle, W. A. Stimulation of the amygdaloid nucleus in a schizophrenic patient.
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Heisenberg, W. Physics and Beyond, New York: Harper and Row, 1972.
Janov, A. The Primal Scream. New York: Dell, 1970.
-----. Prisoners of Pain, Garden City, N. Y.: Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1980.
Karenga, M. R. Chinese psycho social therapy: a strategic model for mental health. Psychotherapy, Theory,
Research and Practice, 1978, 15 (1): 101-107.
Krishna, G. Higher Consciousness. New York: Julian Press, 1974.
Kuhn, T. S, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1970. <P>
Livanov, II. N., Garilova, N. A. and Aslanov, A. S. Correlations of biopotentials in the frontal parts of the human
brain. In: K. H. Pribram and A. R. Luria (Eds.). Psychophysiology of the Frontal Lobes. New York and London:
Academic Press, 1973.
Livingston, K. E. and Hornykiewicz, 0. (Eds.), Limbic Mechanisms: The Continuing Evolution of the Limbic System
Concept, New York: Plenum Press, 1976.
Luria, A. R. Frontal lobes and the regulation of behavior. In: K. H. Pribram and A. R. Luria (Eds.).
Psychophysiology of the Frontal Lobes. New York and London: Academic Press, 1973.
MacLean, P. D. On the evolution of the three mentalities. Man- Environment Systems, 1975, 5: 213-224.
-----. In: M. Pines, "Good Samaritans at Age Two?," Psychology Today, June, 1979.
Maslow, A. H. In: M. Hardeman, "A Dialogue with Abraham Maslow," Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 1979,
19 (1): 23-28.
Moorman, L. J. Tuberculosis and Genius, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1945.
Moreno, J. L. Foundations of Psychotherapy. Beacon, N. Y.: Beacon House, 1959.
-----. Action-Therapy and Principles of Practice, Beacon, N. Y,: Beacon House, 1969.
-----. Collected Papers, Beacon, N. Y.: Beacon House, 1972. <P>
O'Keefe, J. Place units in the hippocamnus of the freely moving rat, Experimental Neurology,1976, 51: 78-109.
Olds, J. and Milner, P. Positive reinforcement produced by electrical stimulation of septal area and other regions
of rat brain. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 1954 47: 419-427.
-----. Reward from brain stimulation in the rat. Science, 1955, 22: 878.
-----. A preliminary mapping of electrical reinforcing effects in the rat brain. Journal of Comparative and
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Penfield, W. and Roberts, L. Speech and Brain Mechanisms, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1959.
-----. and Mathieson, G. Memory: autopsy findings and comments on the role of hippocampus in experiential
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Popper, K. Objective Knowledge, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1972.
Pribram, K. Psychology Today, February, 1979.
Pryse-Phillips, W. Epilepsy, Bristol: John Wright and Sons, 1969.
Reis, D. J. and Gunne, L. M. Brain catecholamines: relation to
the defense reaction evoked by amygdaloid stimulation in cat. Science, 1965, 149: 450-452.
Tower, D. B. Neurochemistry of Epilepsy. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1960.
Wada, J. A. The clinical relevance of kindling: species, brain sites and seizure susceptibility. In: K. E. Livingston
and 0. Hornykiewicz (Eds.). Limbic Mechanisms: The Continuing Evolution of the Limbic System Concept. New
York: Plenum Press, 1976.
Walter, G. Human frontal lobes function in sensory-motor association. In: K. H. Pribram, and A. R. Luria (Eds.),
Psychophysiology of the Frontal Lobes New York and London: Academic Press, 1973.
Wislon, E.O. Sociobiology: The New Synthesis. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belknap Press of Harvard University
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----. On Human Nature. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1978.
Wooldridge, D. E. The Machinery of the Brain, New York:
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Wurtz, R. H. and Olds, J. Amygdaloid stimulation and operant reinforcement in the rat. Journal of Comparative
and Physiological Psychology, 1963, 56: 941.
Yoshii, N. and Yamaguchi, Y. Conditioning of seizure discharges with electrical stimulation of the limbic structures
in cats. Folia Psychiatrica et Neurologica Japonica, Niigata, Japan, 1963, 17: 276-281.
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