Big Thanks and Credit to Bill Griffith and Zippy



Retarded Adolescent Rebellion

Or, How To Deal With Dormant Brained Complaints 



Every once in a while I get an generally senseless and/or usually angry letter, or bulletin board post that essentially tells me I am full of crap. There are many psychological reasons why someone would fly into an irrational diatribe over my web site or book. But one underlying cause, which any thinking adult can easily spot when it occurs is as follows (in a letter in that I replied to one such irrational rant:

Dear Bob,

T.D. Lingo invented a new descriptive term at the brain lab for what you are doing. It's called Retarded Adolescent Rebellion. It is what happens when an individual reacts by rebelling against any authority figure (me in this case) to express his own struggling independence and value as an individual. But in the case of RAR, it is an unintelligent, non-thinking, reptilian brain, futile attempt. It is just like spinning tires in the mud and going nowhere.

Rebellion against authority/parent/teacher is a natural and healthy function of growing up. It helps the individual grow. It is testing one's muscles, giving the individual a feeling of self-worth, it helps one to grow up, to exert oneself. To leave the nest. By rebelling, and then being corrected/counter-challenged by older parent or teacher the rebellious individual is forced to re-examine his beliefs, the established "line", learn his mistakes, and even improve upon those facts and assumptions made by authority. Both benefit. But this is only the case if rebellious teen/youth is willing to examine rebellion/argument using logic and intelligence-frontal lobes skills.

If the individual merely rebels without using deep intelligence- and just rebels like a crazed chimpanzee without carefully examining facts and evidence- then nothing is gained. Rebellious youth merely sucks energy from all around him. "I WANT ATTENTION!!!! LISTEN TO MEEEEEEEE!" By ranting, yelling "YOU SUCK" without employing true creative-intuitive-cooperative-intelligence, the rebel merely describes his own state of mind ("I suck") and like an ever hungry vacuum cleaner, adds nothing to positive life sustaining environment. Reptile Rebel only demands attention, and disrupts collective growing situation- takes, yet gives nothing.

Argument for argument sake. 

Fight for fight's sake.

Insult for insult's sake.


The payoff is temporary release of pent up anger and frustration.

Temporary, because the cause remains: The internal trauma memories and emotions caused by uncaring, un-nurturing parents, teachers, and peers. Failure in life.

The R.A.R. individual was never taught the advanced frontal lobes brain skills of CICIL--- true creativity, imagination, cooperation, intuition, and logic.

So, the R.A.R. brain continues to hurt, and the poor individual remains stuck in rebellion and perceives enemies everywhere--- because the enemies are in fact internalized.

The R.A.R. individual must evolve internally and develop true CICIL skills-- or remain doomed forever.


Unless this non-thinking, reptilian attacking individual can grow beyond such temper tantrums, and learn how to pinpoint argument, and accurately find and offer real solutions missed by older parent/teacher/authority and help community, the growth of the individual is stopped. One continues ranting into adulthood. No reason, no logic, no proper argument. Growth into true mature reasoning adulthood is RETARDED. Retarded Adolescent Rebellion.

The angry male chimp pounds on his chest  "Me me me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm right and you're wrong!!!!!!!"

He makes a lot of noise and gets his rocks off. But at an enormous price.

Nobody wants to be friends with a loud, angry, stupid gorilla brain.

No friends, crappy job, unhappiness, illness, shortened life expectancy.


Decide if you are stuck in R.A.R.  


if you will grow into full brain power.


Yours truly, Neil



Oh gosh, what I have to put up with some times.... But hey, that's part of having a public web site that gets thousands of hits a day... It goes with the territory.

A couple times a year I get a nasty email- like one from "Bob" above. It is almost ALWAYS anonymous. It's like these kinds of people are too paranoid and too embarrassed to use the actual name on their driver's license. I think it goes along with the rest of the reptile brain overloaded circuits-

And its always over something INCREDIBLY UNIMPORTANT that this person has TOTAL control over themselves-  but since they are clicked backwards into nearsighted reptile brain- they can't see it. Like-

"Stop sending me so many emails!!! ARGGHGHGUGH!!"

Okay, okay, calm down. Click on the unsubscribe button.... there  ya go!


From our Your Great Brain Adventure Newsletter: (much more below this if you've already seen it..)


Do you ever feel like people are unloading their garbage on you- and YOU ARE SUCH A NICE PERSON?!

Of course you don't deserve it.

"People are strange." -Jim Morrison.

There's different frontal lobes solutions to this problem of people dumping on you.

1) Ignore it.
2) Give an honest opinion back.
2) Make fun of it, twist some humor out of it.
3) Use it to your advantage- make lemonade out of a lemon.

Pretending someone's dumb remarks or actions don't exist-- well sometimes that works, but sometimes it's like burying your head in the sand. Often the best solution is to make lemonade.

In my position as Brain Web Site Guy, I will get the occasional dumb hate mail from a frustrated web surfer. It doesn't happen often, and for me, its only about once or twice a year. Astounding percentage considering I'm now getting 400,000 hits a month on my web site.

Once in a while I make a dumb stupid mistake myself, and deserve a scolding to get it right.

But more often, a piece of angry hate mail is just somebody stuck in frustrating reptile brain, and I'm the target.

When some doofus does something dumb, you can turn it into something constructive and helpful... (Like this here web page)

The MORAL of the story?
When somebody tries to ruin your HOLIDAY SPIRIT--- just click forward
and JUDO FLIP their negative energy into positive growth energy for
yourself and everybody else.

And YOU are doing it (not them) with your advanced smiling FRONTAL LOBES CREATIVITY.

You are recycling garbage into fertilizer.



Anyway, often when anybody sends me some totally bogus, mis-informed, hateful, mis-directed communication, I tell it like it is.

Please, do not confuse me with Mr. Rogers (one of my heroes, and a great guy actually.)

Unlike Mr. Rogers, when someone is full of crap, I may very well give them my full and honest opinion. And often I use words that we would not hear Mr. Rogers use on his PBS children's show.


Boy...  (play this link)



No you won't hear the pope using the language I sometimes use, nor the Teletubby crew.

This of course, delights my attackers, as they then believe they now have evidence that "NEIL HAS CLICKED BACKWARDS!!!!!  We've GOT HIM NOW!!!!!!!"



I hate to shock anybody, but, yes, I use FOUR LETTER WORDS. I am not Saint Slade, nor Brain Guru of the Month. I do not want followers or hypnotized blind devotes of Unreal Neural Niceness.

The first time I cursed loud enough for somebody to hear it across the street was in the 5th grade, when my best friend accidentally shish-ka-bobbed my big toe with a long handled dandelion picker that more resembled a ZULU war spear.


I don't use "bad words" on the radio, or TV, and rarely in my books (do I ever? Can't remember.... Don't think so.)

But when I am talking to people one on one, yes you can here me utter one of those "bad words" that the FCC would fine you a million dollars for saying on Regis and Kathy Lee, or whoever the new girl is.

Anyway, here's a typical example that happened this week....



Somebody joins my email list, Your Great Brain Adventure.

Its a voluntary thing.

I send out emails on a regular basis-- sometimes only once every couple of weeks, sometimes several times a week. If you average it out over the past four years, its been about once a week maybe. I have learned, however, that people do like a couple messages a week, so more recently its been closer to that.

If there's a problem with the web server, I inform people via the list-- as that's it's PURPOSE, to inform people of news and web site information.


Well DUH!


Anyway--  I get this ANGRY reptilian reactive email from this fellow-- (and this is the ONLY such email I've ever gotten complaining that I've sent out TOO MANY NEWSLETTER EMAILS) (!). 

He calls me a liar, and quotes me that I promised to send out only "one email a week AT MOST", and that I need to keep my word.



This could cause severe disruption of our economic stability, cause serious mental anguish among the population at large, and has been known to reduce milk production in long haired goats.


1) I'm misquoted, and have never said "one email a week AT MOST". GPs brain has hallucinated a fantasy that supports his crabby complaint.

What I state exactly, and have for YEARS (go look using the archived page link below from Feb 2003) is: "generally one email a week."  It's been more and its been less, and this statement is archived on an independent web site. That's what GENERALLY means. Well Duh again.


As it turns out, I'm finding that with two emails a week, and the occasional three, I am getting a much more favorable response from email list subscribers. And when the server breaks down I keep people informed before they start emailing me "Hey Neil baby, where's the page you're referring to in our newsletter???"

So yesterday I changed it to "one or two" emails a week, just so a few over stimulated people don't have a conniption fit if they get a couple of emails as a surprise. Needless to say- GP later claimed "he had control over me and so I changed my web site to bolster my claims."  Oh brother...

No, I don't send out emails to annoy people, or to get unwanted attention. People enjoy getting Brain Adventure Emails after they sign up on the newsletter list. What a strange idea!

2) Anyone is free to join, and unsubscribe at any time, with instructions on each and every email.


When I politely tell the fellow what the score is, he remains TRULY clicked backwards into attack mode, and so then I use the BIG BAD WORD and instruct him to unsubscribe if he feels like he's getting bombarded.

This of course leads to REPTILE BRAIN REVENGE on his part, COUNTER ATTACK ("Why don't you be more like my new age hero author..) and he then goes on to THREATEN and PLOT COUNTER ATTACK by telling Radio Gods Art Bell and George Noory (bless 'em) what a BAD MAN I am... and how he will EXPOSE ME TO THE WORLD!!!



I could chose to ignore this kind of stupidity, and I most often do. But sometimes folks,




If you are adult with functional frontal lobes, you can handle it.

If you are a child mind, with "90% Dormant Brain" clicked backwards-- you can't.


Like Brain Researcher T.D.A. Lingo told me twenty years ago-- "a person with his amygdala clicked backwards can't say- "Oops, I made a mistake."



Anyway, most of the transcripts are below. Have fun, and learn....


From: "gptech" <> (real email obliterated to protect the guilty)

> > To: <>
> > Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 3:36 AM
> > Subject: Re: [Your Great Brain Adventure BRAIN WEB

> >
> >
> > >
> > > Hi Neil,
> > >
> > > Please stop sending so many e-mails.
> > >
> > > I subscribed to your list after reading your words
> > > saying: "(e-mails would be about one-per-week, at
> > > most)".
> > >
> > > Please keep your word about this.



> > I would rather keep people informed when glitches
> > occur to avoid confusion
> > especially when I supply a link, and then the server
> > bogs down.
> >
> > If you look at the dates of postings, you will see
> > that I do keep my word.

> > If you are not satisfied with the way I run my own
> > list, you are free to
> > unsubscribe.
> > Otherwise,  I don't think you have much to worry
> > about.
> >
> > cheers
> >
> > Neil
> >


Anonymous GP's REPLY:

> A lie.  Indeed, I did look at the dates of your
> postings.
> You have again sent me multiple e-mails on consecutive
> dates.  You sent me an email on 12/4, two emailings on
> 12/5, and yet another on 12/6.
> If you have not already read it (or re-read) - you may
> find practical spiritual value in The Celestine
> Prophecy.  It talks about a unhealthy drive for
> "taking attention" from others.
> I have removed my address from your yahoo group
> e-mailing list.
> Please do not e-mail me again.
> You'll do better, Neil.  In time.



MY REPLY (and now my response after being called a liar and accused of "taking attention" from 5300 people who have voluntarily signed up and have been on my email list for years--!)  Oh, and if you want to be sure to get another email from me, just call me a liar and then "don't send me any more emails"  ;-)

>Why don't you just unsubscribe.

>I have 5350 members who are all happy with the messages I send.

>If you're not, use your f***ing  brain and unsubscribe.


Hey, it looks and sounds pretty simple to me!

I then respond to the advice that I should look into a decade old derivative new age pop culture work of fiction (Hey, some people liked it, I did not... its a free country, ain't it?) The Frontal lobes say "each entitled to their own opinion." The guy sold a zillion copies a decade ago, I don't think he cares what I think. Okay, so I'm using poetic license here in a rejection of a pop-culture best seller that is supposed to have some lesson I need to learn about when to send out emails (totally irrelevant here) , and this lesson is contained in one of GP's favorite new age books....)


>The Celestine Prophecy is b****t new age BOREDOM, a book that gathers
nothing but dust everywhere now.

>I looked at it, and couldn't stand to finish it.

 (I quote GP here) > You'll do better, Neil.  In time.

Well, with one less smart ass off my email list, yes, most certainly.


GP then GETS REVENGE  (well, in his little brain anyway) (nyah hah hahahahaha!! So DASTARDLY A DEVIL HE IS~!!)

And emails copies of my correspondence to Radio Gods Art Bell and George Noory...

Like I've done something HORRIBLE!!! Like I would be embarrassed! 

Like I would give a shit!


(is this funny, or what?)

I email GP back:



You also can't read and misquoted me

> > > I subscribed to your list after reading your words
> > > saying: "(e-mails would be about one-per-week, at
> > > most

From the web site, exact quote:

" Join our group and you will receive great Brain Info Updates, Fun Stories
and Brain Tips, generally once a week. This list remains strictly
confidential and will NOT be used for any other purposes whatsoever. "

Sometimes I send once a week, sometimes more. If the site goes down, I tell
people, especially after posting a message and then the server fails and
they can't find the posting.

The complete history of the messages are posted.

Frankly, I am delighted when critics mis-quote me, and then give me advice,
because I can then let them know
how full of crap they are. And I do it in the most colorful language I can
think of.

Be sure and tell Art and George this as well. But frankly, I don't think it
matters to them.




It turns out, I already emailed Art and George, because I figured this crackpot was bothering them, and it was also a good excuse to thank them for previous support and let them know what I had been up to during the previous year...


Dear Art and George,

Thanks for the ongoing mention of my information in your archives.
On occasion, I hear from a malcontent kook, who looks for something to complain about concerning my site and/or books/CDs/DVDS, and who then doubtless bitches to you guys about. Sorry you have to endure this kind of garbage on rare occasion-- as I do myself.
Despite not appearing on your show since October 2004, at present, according to my web site statistics, I am getting an average of 400,000 hits per month on my website- and growing each month.
One of Germany's most prestigious and largest publishers, Rowohlt Verlage, is publishing a German translation of my Frontal Lobes Supercharge book in 2005.
A major United Kingdom magazine, Natural Health is doing a feature article on my work, by English journalist Douglas Cartwright in January 2005.
In Hong Kong, publisher and award winning animator and illustrator Frank Ferrao is publishing Brain Magic for Kids, a set of books and CDs for parents and kids. The FLSupercharge book has already been translated into Chinese by Dr. Julia Lu.
Movie producer and brain lab documentary filmmaker Peter Garrity has contacted me last week about a re-visit documentary about the brain lab, Lingo, and my work for either/or the History and Discovery channel networks, for which his partner regularly has programs aired.
Current Amazing Brain Adventure (my company) DVD and movie projects are ongoing and scheduled for release in the coming weeks.
Thanks again for your continued support.
Neil Slade




OKAY-- THIS TALE BORDERS ON THE BORING--  but there's nothing as boring as a complainer who's got it all wrong,  so let's continue and wrap it up...

I write the following follow ups to GP:

Sorry GP,

I already beat you to the punch and happily copied all messages and sent to

And they can read.

If this is what you consider important--  sigh.

Yes, the Celestine Prophecy--- a wonderful new age re-write of Carlos
Casteneda from thirty years ago.

Boring. Boring. Boring.  Could not stand it. Nothing original or new.

Yes, many people LOVED it.

I was not one of them.

Welcome to America--  where you are free to like, or dislike a book.

Now, I must get back to work--
This week I got 100,000 hits on my web site, and there are other people that
are more fun for me to email than yourself.

And maybe it will occur to you that you are also bothering Art and George as



GP THEN THREATENS TO EXPOSE ME on, oh my god---his consumer advocacy site!!!




You have given me some wonderful material for my
consumer advocacy website.

I look forward to publishing your e-mails to give the
general public a more human view of you and your

I have to agree, though - "clicking forward" and most
that you promote on your web site is indeed powerful,
productive and effective.

It is interesting to see the unconscious, reactive,
"clicked backward" behavior that you have displayed so
publicly.  In a way it makes your positive, creative
work more believable, human and real.




My Frontal Lobes Fearless Response:



I love it!

Do you think I CARE or take your anonymous complaints and mis-information
and mis-quotes seriously?
Do you think anybody does?


Do you think Art, George, or anyone else with a decent mind takes what you
are saying seriously?

As much as I like Art and George, do you think I measure everything I say by
how it will sit with them and their other guests?
There's plenty out there that I consider boring, bullshit, wrong,
unimaginative. Do you want a LIST?  (see my site, its already there)

Come on!  Are you kidding??

You are a colossal jester.

Please-- print everything I write everywhere on the web.  It's a good
example of the kind of bullshit people
send me and claim as "intelligent and common sense" , when there is no sense
in any of it.

Maybe I'll make a page myself-- its  good for people seriously looking at
brain and behavior to see the kind of crap I have to put up with once or
twice a year.

Now, get your facts straight next time and maybe I won't spank you on your
hiney so hard.

Neil Slade
The AMAZING No Bullshit Facts Straight Tells It Like It Is Brain Adventure



I was getting bored with GP's nonsense, and deleted a couple of emails quickly, enough is enough. However I did remember this specifically from one of his deleted rants...

GP further asserts that I changed the wording on my web site, and that he "has power over me that I would change the wording on my site"


 I politely inform him that the wording on my web page regarding the email list has been the same for years--- until two days ago when I changed it and added "or twice" 

> " Join our group and you will receive great Brain Info Updates, Fun Stories
> and Brain Tips, generally once or twice a week. This list remains strictly
> confidential and will NOT be used for any other purposes whatsoever. "


...So that anybody who gets more than one email from me per week won't go into cardiac arrest.



I also thought it was a great idea to put this on the web, so people can see the kind of nonsense I put up with on occasion. 





Have Fun Brain Explorers, and unlike GP here, good grief, continue to use that wonderful common sense of yours...





He must have too much ‘time on his hands’ and is angry about it---Feel free to post the fact that I love your emails!  Here’s to another wonderful Wednesday on the planet, missy

Ps. Perhaps he is nervous about the Holidays  J

Missy Dorn Warner




----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 3:52 PM
Subject: Re: [Your Great Brain Adventure Brain Self-Defense

Neil, you have been generous to a fault by giving attention to GP who is so undeserving.  Is it possible that you actually caught him in one of his better moods? 
Most of us consider your contributions a gift.
Continued success
Cecelia Alston

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Your Great Brain Adventure Brain Self-Defense

I enjoyed this one. Thanks Ben



----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 6:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Your Great Brain Adventure Brain Self-Defense

Cool  :)



----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 6:24 PM
Subject: Check out Retarded Adolescent Rebellion


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 9:46 PM
Subject: Hi There Neil

Hi Neil,
           Just wanted you to know, that my band Rhythmfyx has (finally) our first gig coming up in January. We are playing in one of the really good places to play in Columbus, Ohio. Near where I live of course. I put the drummer up to getting our gigs, but, after about five months of no gigs, I decided to take matters into my own hands. So after clicking forward I decided where to go. The club is called Ruby Tuesday (not the restaurant). Near OSU Campus. I also played a solo accoustic gig tonight that I set up. I have to tell you though Neil that at first I was scared as hell. Playing with the rest of the band is easy but, when you are up there all alone and all eyes are on you, you either shrink down chicken out and go home to live the rest of your life in obscurity or you rise up to the occasion get in front of that microphone and play, and sing your heart out. Which is exactly what I did. It was a frontal lobes test for myself Neil. If I can do this, then I can do anything. So I did it. And the feedback I got was so positive and the applause and whistles were so uplifting that I am now HOOKED Forever. I want to play everywhere. I thought of you when I got up on that stage Neil I really did. And I thought about all of the E mails the brainexplorer mass emails, and all that I have learned in my life. It all culminated into one moment in time and in that one moment I found myself. I found that I have the courage to take the necessary risks as well as to put forth all that I have to accomplish, what, until now, seemed impossible and only a dream. So thank you NEIL, for EVERYTHING. Your Friend Kevin Allen Cotter


Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 9:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Your Great Brain Adventure Brain Self-Defense

I've followed your website for a couple of years now and have read about using your techniques with children.  I've just begun a new job teaching extended resource kindergarten and students with very low reading scores.  Would your material work with children in grades k-1, most of whom have very low skills?
When I read that your Brain Magic for Kids being published in Hong Kong, it triggered my thinking along the lines of the possibility of trying to teach my students your methods.  Since two of them are Down Syndrome, and the third is autistic, I don't know how much they'd be able to understand what this is about.  Just wondering. 
Thanks for all you do, including the many emails!

[I respond: 

I taught Brain Magic for School Kids over 15 years ago-- an entire elementary school, 600 students, and the faculty.
The basic principals remain the same for all, regardless of learning skills--- mostly, its how the teacher approaches the students- My Have Fun- Anti -Rules bookwas the second book I wrote, and came from my 25 years of teaching kids. That is a crucial book for you to look at.
I've actually gotten a letter from autistic adults, and they found the material very useful. Look in the SEARCH on the YGBA yahoo page.
Simple brain activities and methods can be taught to all- period. And it should be starting in Kindergarten.
Thanks for your feedback.


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2004 12:53 AM
Subject: Re: [Your Great Brain Adventure Brain Self-Defense

Hi Neil,
Despite the million and one things I have to do, I felt compelled to send you a "high five" for the way you handled gptech. cracked me up so much...the back and forth emailing.
I had a similar thing that happened to me earlier this year. And yes, using your frontal lobes to deal with reptilian brain's a no brainer!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Hasslinger" 
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 8:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Your Great Brain Adventure Brain Self-Defense

> Nails,
> Da theme song is Bobby McFaren's (I don't pretend to know how to spell his
> name, but what the hey! be happy!) Don't Worry Be Happy, do do do da dolu!
> Markhas



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