Better Solution: All Brain Explorers (you and your friends who know how to click their brain energy forward) will detect negative energy- entropy (chaos/disintegration)- in various manifestations. As in Brain Radar- you will personally be alerted to those things which impact you, and which you can have a personal impact. You don't need anybody outside (like me) telling you what to pay attention to.
Typically, however, before brain self-control and learning the skill of clicking one's amygdala forward, we react to bad news in ways that generally reinforce it, i.e. we read headline "Texas experiences worst heat in history" and then we shake our head and go "Isn't that terrible, all those people frying...". This is the standard non-creative reptile brain reaction.
As you learn better brain self-control, you realize that you can process negative destructive information in a different way- with your creative imaginitive cooperative intuitive logical frontal lobes. Example: You read Texas heat wave headline and then you automaticlly click forward and send brain energy forward out through your frontal lobes and create cooling energy into the region- the same way that we sent rain to Florida. BINGO!
The accumulative effect of people all over doing this, as each one reads, hears "bad news", reverses the entropy in a particular problem area. As you hear about enemies blowing up each other- you send positive advanced brain hand shaking, brotherhood cooperative energy to the area. You reverse the negative movie with your own frontal lobes life sustaining brain movie. The energy moves forward out of your brain and towards the target area, just like a high frequency laser. Get the picture?
This is what T.D. Lingo called Consensus Consciousness for Cooperative Action. or Planetary Telepathy for Consensus Action.
You can do this every day, throughout the day, for every single bit of bad news you hear. Instead of addressing just isolated incidents which one person picks out- you are in control. You can work on 5, or 10 or 100 items a day. Multiply this times 1000 Brain Explorers and we see results in dropping crime rate, improved weather. Multiply this times 1,000,000 Brain Explorers- end of war, end of hunger, end of crime, and then the aliens with advanced technology for human star hopping feel it's safe to land on the white house lawn, we've graduated from kindergarten. What we create in our mind then later becomes our reality.
The most remarkable thing you will notice, as you start to process "the news" in this creative and positive way, is that as the formerly negative energy moves forward and out through your frontal lobes- YOU CHANGE. Instead of being weighted down by all the bad news, it no longer depresses you, and instead becomes a creative exciting challenge and you feel good - maybe even GREAT! You stop carrying the weight of the world around in your brain. What a relief! Instead of the outside world and bad news causing blockages in your brain and being circuited backwards, THE RELEASE OF BOUND NEGATIVE ENERGY FLOWS FORWARD- and this causes AUTOMATIC TRANSCENDENCE RESPOSNSES. BIG DIFFERENCE. You've taken every lemon off the front page and turned it into deliciously sweet lemonade.
And, of course, as Mr. Bell allows the occasional organized one item group brain focus, this will continue to serve as a nice demonstration of what happens when a WHOLE LOT of people do this- hopefully encouraging continued brain focusing as outlined above in more and more. The Brain Revolution has arrived...WELCOME! (End of sermon, got to get back to practicing the guitar........)