An Exclusive Extra with The Extra Super Complete Brain Book and Music Set
New 25 Minute
Anti-Stress Anxiety-Melt-Away
Instant online music satisfaction and delivery- If your computer can play sound, it can play this MP3 album using Windows Media Player, Quicktime Player, Real Player, and other common audio computer applications. You can also easily transfer it to any regular CD-R, or iPod, or Mp3 player.
Flute, Harp, Vibe, Keyboards,
Recorder, Bamboo Flute, Bells, Celeste sounds
Neil is an accomplished internationally known
musician and author- with 5 books and 20 CDS in his catalog, sold
throughout the globe and rumored to have been smuggled to a few
neighboring inhabited planetoids. His music has been heard on
PBS, nationally broadcast radio, as well as to the millions of visitors
The Starry Night album contains six original stereo recordings using the best MP3 encoding available- CDEX. (The sample below is low-bandwidth mono only for streaming here).
A Starry Night Little Blue Lake Fred's Field Sarah's Voice Lullaby Kathy's Secret
This album will open your imagination and stimulate your creativity- while at the same time relaxing and calming your brain and spirit. Brain Music Magic! Unlike commercial new-age music meandering, this Brain Music album is finely crafted compositions in the tradition of master musicians- such as impressionist composers Debussy or Satie.
Shortly after you place your order, you will receive a password and web page link to download your album and then enjoy for a thousand smiles long. Please allow a day at most to receive your password access, although most often it will not be that long- thanks.
Also - Frontal Lobes Supercharge PDF ONLINE INTERACTIVE Book, this Starry Night Mp3 Album, and Brain Lab Reports INCLUDED with any EXTRA Complete or SUPER Complete Set during April. Order this set at Brain Book and Music Store
Try listening to A Starry Night in a hot bath, with all the lights out, or on a long walk down a quiet street. Tune in to the incredible connections and perceptions within your brain...
Please visit The Brain Book and Music Store for all styles of Brain Music- from energetic lightning electric, to symphonic, to jazz, to blazing acoustic guitar, and more.
The AMAZING Brain Adventure