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PLEASE NOTE BEFORE READING:  I did not like my new iPod. I returned it. The first one failed. The second one didn't do want it was promised to do by every Apple ad for iPod. See my comments, and Robert Wolfson's comments below "Why I returned my iPod". Thanks



Hi- Neil Slade here...  Welcome to my SIMPLE Do-It-Yourself page for converting common video files to use and view on your brand new 5th Generation iPod.


Apple would have you believe that in order to make/convert files you have to use QUICKTIME PRO 7 which they will sell to you for $30.

>>>QuickTime Pro is a total rip-off piece of crap software<<<

You can download a totally free share-ware program for use on your PC called VIDEORA which works SO MUCH FASTER and BETTER than QuickTime Pro, it's not even funny.

Not only is it a dozen times or more efficient, but it allows you all kinds of adjustments that you can't get for love or money with QuickTime Pro.

Download Videora HERE no catches, this is an extraordinary nice thing some programmers have done for you. A tip of the hat to these folk (no relation to me) -Send them a tip after you find out how good a deal this is.

After you install it on your computer (I have a PC), it is really easy to use.

(Mac users may want to use iSquint if Videora doesn't work for them. I can't vouch for iSquint because its a Mac only application.)


I was stupid enough to buy QuickTime Pro 7. Please don't make the same mistake I did. QuickTime pro failed miserably time after time, although I could occasionally get it to work. It wasn't me, and it wasn't me failing to follow directions. It wasn't the kind of files I was trying to create, and it wasn't that I was trying to convert the wrong types of files.

It is just a piece of sheet software, and Apple should refund $30 to every sucker who has bought  it. It is UNBELIEVABLY slow at converting files for the IPod, and then half the time it doesn't even work after you've waiting 14 hours to convert an hours worth of video.

Yes, that's right. ALL NIGHT to covert 100 minutes, one of my feature films (see MIRROR FILM at . Unbelievable.

Mind you, I have a state of the art PC P4 3.2Ghz processor, 2GB ram, a half dozen huge hard drives, and a wonderful MSI motherboard.

There is NOTHING Pro about QuickTime Pro.

QuickTime Pro is SHEET.  Okay? Got the picture. Good.



 using VIDEORA


First, make sure the frame rate of your original video is 29.97 fps (or 30). If not, fix this first, re-render if necessary, otherwise sound will not sync up.. My original files are plain uncompressed avi. Others should work as well.


1) Open Videora


2) Click the SETUP button.


3) Choose ONE CLICK PROFILE MENU. You'll see a bunch of choices. These WILL work with the IPOD 5:

  1. HP264/320X240/256kbpsStereo 96kbps

  2. HP264/320X240/384kbpsStereo 96kbps

  3. HP264/320X240/QB23Stereo 96kbps

  4. HP264/320X240/QB30Stereo 96kbps

I could never get mp4 (MPEG-4) files made with anything but QuickTime Pro to play on my iPod. And the QuickTime mp4 files were terrible resolution. I have a PC, maybe this is the reason, I don't know, but my iTunes refuses to move any mp4 files into my iPod saying they won't play there. You figure it out. Frankly, I do not like iTunes any more than Quicktime.

Of the above choices, 2 is the highest quality, 1 is not as good, followed by 4, then 3 for the poorest quality. The size of the files is the inverse of the quality. So, if you want it to look good, you will make bigger files. Considering you have 30GB to play with on the IPOD, use the highest quality #2 choice 384kbps video bit rate, unless you plan on storing lots of full feature movies on your iPod. #2 is really the most acceptable, but you can try them all so you see the difference.


4) Select the folder where you want to put your newly converted file using the OUTPUT VIDEOS TO  tab. Its better to do this on a second hard drive if you've got 2 in your machine. This way the program runs on your HD1, and the file is stored on a second drive where you keep your data. If not, just put it where you can remember where it is, obviously.


5) You can select the Process Priority next, choose HIGH for the best chance at not screwing things up. The click the SAVE button in the lower right.

(NOTE: You can customize your settings by selecting the PROFILES tab in the SETTING menu. Remember, IPOD 5 has restrictions posted HERE, bottom of page in small faint lettering on the page trying to suck you into buying QuickTime Pro-- (don't do it!!!!), )


6) Now Click on the CONVERT button on the left side of the menu.


7) Click on ONE-CLICK CONVERT (easiest method) and find and open the movie file you want to convert for the IPOD. I have been converting avi files. Others may work, but avi files are a done deal, no problemo.


8) THAT'S IT. Wait for 100% done before you try to move it into your IPOD.




Congratulations for finding an application for FREE that works so much better than the crap those stinking thieves at APPLE are selling for $30 a pop- which incidentally they will refuse to refund when you find out what a total rip-off it is.


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My letter to Apple:

Dear Apple Corporation

I returned my iPod 5 this past weekend.
(Actually my SECOND, because the first one FAILED after about two hours of use.)

Here's why

1) I was so pissed off that you charged me $30 for a totally inferior software program for converting video to iPod files, and then you further failed to refund my money after I discovered what a piece of crap it actually was. I went online and downloaded the free Videora program which did far more, infinitely better and more efficient that QUACKtime Pro.
The idea that I should have to BUY software just to use my device to do things it's suppose to do to begin with is absurd. Most devices at least come with basic software, and I don't consider iTUNES basic, because it doesn't allow you to convert one single video file to use with EYEPOD.

2) I then realized even with Videora how much trouble it was to re-convert files for iPod, rather than Apple simply making it compatible with WMV, mpg, and other video formats. iPod would, in fact not show simple and STANDARD mp4 files, period except for those inferior low resolution ones coming out of Quacktime Pro.

3) iPod also refused to show any H264 files that it CLAIMED on your own website to show, that had the resolution ABOVE 384kbps . Not even approaching the 768kbps claimed compatible. Should viewing video be THIS HARD?? No.

4) The video brightness/contrast/saturation of iPod was clearly inferior to my simple LCD computer monitor, or for that matter, my cheap ass 13" regular TV. AND NO WAY TO ADJUST the picture on the iPod. To get a video to look like it should on iPod, I had to RE-RENDER it with increased picture saturation, just to get it to look right.

4A) I found that watching videos on my less expensive portable 7" Samsung DVD player was a FAR more enjoyable experience than watching the 2 videos I eventually got to play on my iPod after HOURS of trial and error. (One 100 minute video took FOURTEEN HOURS to convert using quacktime Pro!!!) The picture was better- better color, better contrast, better all around,the battery lasts twice as long, more than one person can see the thing, I didn't have to download or convert a damn thing- I checked out a free DVD from my library, popped it in-- showtime. My portable DVDplayer does not fit in my pocket. Gee whiz. So freaking what. How many times do I need to watch video sitting on the john at the bus station?

) The EQ on the iPod was ridiculous. Presets only, with the exception of the custom preset BUT THAT could only be set in software- good lord. Absurd. What are we supposed to do, make up 20 different custom EQs and then apply them as we listen to see what works. Stupid, incredibly. My little $19 cassette player has better and more practical and usable EQ than the $300 iPod. What a rip.

6) Non-standard battery. After I thought about this, what another rip. I am supposed to RENT an iPod battery from you for $60 plus shipping every year, or year and a half? Forever? A battery you won't replace under warranty until it is less than 50% good. What a racket!! My little iRiver mp3 player takes a standard AA battery, that lasts for FORTY HOURS, and if it runs out, I replace with one from the drug store, or another standard re-chargable or regular battery. Let's see, my iRiver MP3 player holds more than enough songs that I'm going to listen to for MONTHS, the software is easier to use, and its all of the size of a Bic lighter. Hmmmm-- Do I really need 30GB or 7000 songs on a delicate portable device in my pocket all of the time that I must connect to a computer to recharge? Gee, I don't think so.

7) Oh yeah--- "Watch your music!". Man, do I really want to pay to download and then watch BANONO prance around? I don't think so. Don't want to watch Madonna either, or any of the other flavors of the month. How many times can you watch a music video. Let me see----- ONCE, and often, not even that. I thought I could watch my own movies. Oh THINK AGAIN. Claimed battery time for iPod 5 video?? Well over 2 hours. Reality: 2 hours, maybe after a total charge. Forget it if you already listened to some music. A whole movie? Hahahahah. Then, hook back up to your computer for hours. Oh yeah, 2 inch screen. This really sounds like a great way to watch video and film. WHAT WAS I THINKING???

8) Lets see, mechanical hard drive on a portable device. How many times have I replaced hard drives that went kaput on my STATIONAR computer. Lots and lots. How long do you think a hard drive is going to last that you carry around in your pocket? Well, if you drop it a couple of times, probably not long. Maybe if you keep it in a padded briefcase any time you move it, you'll be lucky and it will last a few years. Mechanical hard drives are not terribly reliable devices when you move them all the time, slap them down on a table, or have slip out of your pocket. If you treat them with kid gloves, you'll have more luck. But what price PARANOIA for a pocket device you just spent $350 on?

9) Screen scratches. Does the iPod5 screen scratch easily? You bet. Absurdly so. The FIRST one I got scratched within a DAY. Fortunately (?) my first iPod 5 completely FAILED within 4 hours of use, so I returned it, and got another one in exchange- which I was smart enough to leave the cheap protecto wrap on- even though, you are supposed to take it off-- and offcourse, then make your iPod vulnerable to easy scratching, unless you fork out ANOTHER $15 for a third party EYEPOD protector.

8) I took back my iPod 5, got my $300 back, plus the $50 for the "extended" warranty, that covers nothing if I drop the thing, nor the battery unless its more than 50% dead, and fortunately, Best Buy goofed, and gave me back an extra $25- so at least I got most of my money back for the Quacktime Pro Waste.

9) I feel MUCH better.

Neil Slade
Gadget freak, but NOT insane.


FROM Dr. Robert Wolfson, faculty University of Colorado, Business School


Great job with this web page!  I have one more point to add to your list of Mac-rip-off’s. 

(It’s kind of a long story, so please excuse me while I rant.)

In the process of updating the anti-virus software on Margie’s computer last night I found that her computer was working very slowly.  Her computer seemed to be working too hard and going very slowly.  So I took a look at the “Windows Task Manager” and found that the computer was using only a small portion of the available RAM memory.  Most of the RAM memory had been ‘reserved’ by some other process.  A quick look at the “processes” tab revealed the culprit.  It was iTunes 6.0.  I uninstalled iTunes and everything was better. 

So, I asked my son about this.  He, like most kids his age has an iPod – despite my advice to the contrary.  Here’s what he told me:  When iTunes 6.0 was initially released, it contained a “major problem” - something to do with RAM memory allocation. (Hmmm…) At first they released a ‘patch’ for those who downloaded the very early release of iTunes 6.0.  Then they “fixed it” so that the patch isn’t necessary.  But, when I checked their web site last night, they said nothing about the problem with the early release of the software!!!    

Anyway, after uninstalling iTunes and resetting the performance options (to the standard recommended settings), everything was fine.  Now, how is the average person supposed to know about this?  Someone could buy a brand new computer with lots of RAM memory.  But, if they happened to install the early release of iTunes, their brand new computer would run worse than their old computer!   

As you can tell, I am also a fervent anti Mac guy.  They are the biggest hypocrites in the world.  They promote themselves as this ‘anti-establishment’ company, but its all hype.  I especially disliked iTunes because of its intrusiveness.  For example, it immediately puts itself deep within the startup process of your computer – a place that is not visible within the typical “Start Menu”.  And, like other media players, it searches your entire hard drive for media files, unless you specifically tell it not to do so.  But, it’s even worse than that. 

As you said, “I feel MUCH better.”


