Welcome! April 13, 1999

Greetings all fellow Brain Explorers!

Recently I've been working to complete the new book BRAIN MAGIC. This book is primarily a set of daily Brain Fun Exercises that will click you further along and open up new frontal lobes pathways that will instantly, measurably, and effortlessly increase your creativity, intelligence, and pleasure. Why drag along in the same old routine? Brain Magic will guide your brain to new levels of sensitivity and efficiency- and doing it will be one pleasure after another.

Following the simple and easy lessons and instructions in the book, each day for about a month or so, you will have a single item to accomplish and check off. You will also be supplied with a very handy and easy to use progress survey that will help you keep track of the changes in your brain as they occur from day to day. ZOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!

I've refined and improved a few of the ideas from the previous books, but mostly added substantial new ideas. In addition, the book will be illustrated throughout with some very interesting and stimulating designs that will further click you into uncharted.

The book also contains "hard copies" of some of the best info on the web site which you will find convenient in showing to friends away from the computer. Brain Magic also answers frequent questions about advanced amygdala clicking and common problems that people run into once they start to turn up their frontal lobes electricity.

Although I expected publication previous to this, it was my intention to only publish my very best effort, and so I postponed publication. At the rate at which things are progressing, I expect publication and order taking to begin in a couple of weeks. Stay tuned.........

This page is about many things. First and foremost, about YOU and that AMAZING most advanced BRAIN you have, and what unlimited things you can do with it and HOW TO. These day's I'm recording and playing a lot of music, and putting some of it up here, but you'll learn about getting into vast infinity circuits inside your own brain, and you'll be creating whatever it is you want to create, at levels that surprise you daily. Clicking your amygdala and popping your frontal lobes means you express yourself- like never before! (Explore the site and you'll learn what that all means....)

Turning on these newly discovered brain circuits and every day becomes an exploration into the delightful NEW and UNKNOWN! Yowie zowie- a blast off into new universes, and you're the star!!

After you've looked around the site, and learned something about new frontiers in brain and behavior, Check out the lighthearted brand NEW AND IMPROVED BRAIN ART GALLERY (link on main web page). It's been a long while since I've worked on it, but I know you'll enjoy the new descriptive narration and the new paintings.

Note, I've added some new background music, COMPLETE Chopin Preludes (the longest playing file yet, it must go on for a half hour, and it loads in 30 seconds), some Debussy, and Satie. These pieces are accessed at the top of the main page, and also in the Art Gallery at the start and then midway through the show. Some more original music to follow soon, and a SPECIAL SURPRISE coming!! If you have trouble hearing these, just take the "Music Info" link.

Don't forget to visit The Library for some new articles. Note, I've added shelves, the new stuff is on the 2nd shelf down.

You can explore the site in any way you find fun, hopping around, link jumping from one area of the site to another, or going very methodically down each page, starting with the main page...it doesn't matter. What matters is that you know that the information here is very real and legitimate. Even the most far out sounding things here are backed up by documented research by dedicated folk in the educational and scientific world. I've supplied references in appropriate places, especially in the printed books (Available at the Brain Book and Music Store).

Don't let my sense of humor throw you- I've just learned that it always helps to keep a smile on your face, even when approaching the most serious and controversial of subjects- including and especially BRAIN.

Music is a VERY important part of expanding consciousness and accelerating the efficiency of your mind and brain. We now know this from careful research and methodic examination. By the way, most areas of the site cross link with each other, so don't worry about having to come back to this page later for the above links.

I VERY strongly recommend you join the Brain Explorers list, which you'll find at the bottom of the main page. I periodically announce new articles and live radio broadcast announcements (Like ART BELL National Radio Interviews) via that service- and I DON'T GIVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS OUT TO ANYBODY! Brain Explorers is simply for your education and enjoyment, unlike many other commercial prone lists. And you can unsubscribe with a quick click if you want (But why?!)

If you find these topics- Brain, Learning, Practical Paranormal Abilities, and Brain Music- your cup of tea, I make several books, and much music available for your further enjoyment and further study. There are several hours worth of information and fun at this site, completely my gift to you. But if you are ready to move a-head into even further adventures, know that of the thousands of books, tapes and albums sent out this year, not even 1/2 of 1% are ever returned as unsatisfactory. Generally, I can barely even keep up with the demand for more. (I'm working on getting a NYC publisher to take over the production...whew!) So you see, at present, everything you see here and get via orders is coming direct from me- N.S.- to YOU.

Okay! enough update- time to get on with it! Until later- take care, and keep clicking forward- Neil

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