You are my angel.
Your hair aglow withan auburn
Bathes my eyelids with radiance
Ah, how could I be more fortunate
And blessed?
What vision more beautiful?
None, impossible.
I open my door and
Delight falls upon my threshold.
I miss you dearly from
The moment you depart,
If only you are gone for
but a day.
What abyss would I fall into
if you leave me
For three days, or four,
or more?
Fear not, my love is not a
cage of any form,
Nor mental bonds
Of do this, or no,
Of whom you may see,
Or please, or be you with.
It is only when I think of
And what I want for myself
That I become hopelessly
And beyond all redemption.
May my love be but a key to
And wings to take you upon
To soar and reach your heart’s
Beautiful yet strong are the
torrents of
Love’s force
Pulled from the precipice
From high Angel Falls.
Rushing blindly,
Unstoppable from head to
One easily lost in chaos
and rush.
I have but one release
When I am alone, without-
My efforts though temporary
In prose to express
Or I would burst into uncountable
Like water torn apart
Into white foam and vapor.
Alas, my love is too great
To fit on were it a million
I compose in vain,
In respite for only a day,
These, my meager attempts
to name the Unnamable.
You ask me, from where do
these words come?
How do I invent?
Nay, I do not.
I only notate the penultimate
Of what I feel and see
Each time we meet.
Anon, when simple sweet soda
we share,
I gaze upon
Two straws together, joined
in glass.
My bliss, is that I see,
as same,
Our souls touching.