Here are TWO honest to goodness messages received from persons who received The Complete Set that says it all:
THE Complete Set!
Thu Aug 5 10:00:34 1999
Neil, I received your complete set a little over a week ago, and have been practically consumed by it! It is nothing
short of fantastic. There are so many things that you describe in Frontal Lobes Supercharge that have been
occurring to me all of my life, it is unreal! The Brain Radar for instance, really struck a chord. I learned at a very
young age to always follow these feelings. I've always referred to it as "knowing" - or "I just knew". Believe me, I
learned the hard way what happens when I don't take heed! I also love the other books, the music, Free Dirt, and
the interview with T.D. Lingo. - O.K., I love it all, it's great! I could rant and rave about so many wonderful things
but I guess what I really want to say most is "Thank You, so very much!"
I must also add, last weekend I took my fiancée to the zoo for the experiment you suggested. It was a beautiful
day, and the powers that be were on my side! I was clicked forward all day long! It was absolutely incredible!...........
My sweetheart is very interested in this but is having a bit of a hard time clicking forward. I started the day early,
by mind gazing at the stars from before dawn 'till after. My fiancé joined me shortly after I got up. I told her that
"Today, I am going to show you a graphic example of how to click forward, and then tell you other techniques that
you can use to do so by yourself....... I explained to her what the "deal was" as
we went, & shortly after I got to the point of telling her to watch the people, she was astounded! It all hit home!
Any way, this is great, great stuff and may the gods, the powers that be, &/or the universe shower you with
blessings for bringing all of this out in plain English that we can all relate to!
From: Donna I. :
"Hi, I received my books and I can't tell you how excited I am! (I want to place three more Complete orders)....Thank you thank you thank you!"
One more (phone message):
"Okay this is Ed, I want ALL the items that are available, let me repeat that- I want every item that you have for sale, I WANT IT! Let me say it again, I want to buy EVERY SINGLE ITEM that you have for sale............. I am an ex-Marine and I want to throw my rifle down and explore the UNIVERSE!"- E. Mitchell [This person needs the SUPER Complete Set!]
Here's the list of ALL the materials in the various sets
ALL DETAILS with order buttons below list
- take the links for item detail
Frontal Lobes Supercharge
This is the MAIN BRAIN BOOK, with
crucial how-to info , activities, stories and illustrations.
Brain Magic
A month long series of
step-by-step activities, follow up to FLSupercharge above.
Have Fun- Anti Rules
"how-to-learn" lessons, with great brain-art illustrations, 30 years of
Cosmic Conversations
brain essays and detailed science.
Self-Transcendence Workbook
- A month long series of advanced,
step-by-step activities, direct from the Brain Lab
Mind Music
modern electric keyboard
Amygdala Brainbites brain
People's Symphony/Tao of Jazz
orchestral and jazz
Piano Impressions From Another Dimension
classical/modern piano.
pop/rock with saxophone selections
Invisible Music
modern jazz fusion.
Free Dirt
2 CDs, humor, story, wild music
Intro to Brain Magic - Bonus audio book and radio interview,
stories and lesson, selected music samples
SETS read by Neil Slade
Frontal Lobes
Supercharge CD set 5 CDs, Totally
un-abridged and complete, read by the author- VERY cool!
Brain Lab Talks CD set
3 CDs, historical and informative live
presentations, groundbreaking brain theory and practice
Have Fun!- Anti-Rules For Life, Learning, and
Everything Else 2 CDs, Fun,
rebellious, non-technical lessons for turning on THE OTHER 90% of your brain-
Coast to Coast Special SALE
- A really terrific opportunity to launch your brain somewhere it's never
been before. All 5 fantastic currently published Brain Books, including the two
ADDITIONAL advanced study #4 and #5 brain books (with the Cosmic Conversations
brain music CD, all described below in list) for Supercharged
enthusiastic brain people like you ready to shake up the universe-
without a pause!
"This is an incredible amount of information and great stuff. An amazing bargain
for this amount of money! You should be charging a lot more!"- John Wafer,
professor, University of Colorado.
Read an
amazing letter about this set here.
Includes Priority postage for physical items.
This is a huge saving over items bought
separately. A cornucopia of fun and engaging brain stimulating material to make
you happy for a VERY long time.