This site COMING SOON!
Learn how I healed myself USING MY BRAIN to heal my back. A leading surgeon prescribed MAJOR back surgery after I fell down my basement stairs- rupturing my L4 L5 lumbar vertebrae BIG TIME. I was taken to the hospital by ambulance. I could not walk, I was prescribed both heavy levels of pain killer and sleeping pills. The surgeon prescribed REMOVING my entire spinal disc, replacing it with a Titanium spacer, and fusing the vertebrae above and below it. My own general practitioner, himself undergoing back surgery himself, told me "I could not see any way you would get out of this without surgery. What I am seeing now is a miracle."
Coming soon-- MRI bone scans of the injury. Video Diary of my recovery, using Frontal Lobes Brain Radar.
* * * Shortcut to Captain Sherlock Solves 9/11 9/11 WHO and HOW finally explained clearly.
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