The following IS a political statement, on my otherwise NON-POLITICAL brain site. These are my politics in this presidential election. Please feel free to copy any or all of these images, and email/send to every single person on the planet, as well as post one or more prominently on your web site. Many more like these of various size (including a big one you can make a sign out of) below this text at the bottom of this page... This design is original and inspired by my recent victory in Denver Traffic Court. ;-) Okay, if you have to be told how bad the Bush Administration is for people, our country, and the world- well, I'm probably not going to be able to convince you... A single example should suffice- Bush and his friends would like to see a Constitutional amendment banning gay marriage- how RETARDED is this?? How can anybody side with someone stupid enough to propose such a thing? This is absolutely LUNATIC fringe. I could care less, and so should everybody else, about who marries who. People can marry their dogs and cats for all I care. Government has no business- NONE- ZERO- telling people what to do with their private religious and personal lives. Its NONE of the government's business telling people what is "sanctified by God", since the constitution makes it clear that there is a separation between "church" and state. And even if it wasn't spelled out in the US Constitution, it's still a completely stupid idea that government would be in the marriage/religious ceremony business. Isn't that one reason we got on the Mayflower to begin with? This Bush attitude alone raises the red flag- this guy is nuts. The Bush campaign is based on stimulating fear, self-defense/counter attack reactions of the human reptile brain. "Kill them before they kill us". Had we violently acted pre-emptive against Russia in 1961 under FAR MORE THREATENING CONDITIONS than today including Iraq and Afganistan- we would ALL BE DEAD now. You might not have even been born. Think, people. If anybody knows ANYTHING about human history, you know that fascism and tyranny comes to power when people are oppressed, when they are hungry, when they are poor, when they are struggling. This holds true for all. Tragic as it was, 3000 people died on 911. 24,000 people a day die around the globe, 365 days a year from malnutrition- do your homework. Do your math. What's really important, eh? Let's get some perspective on things. Oh- but you say 911 was deliberate murder. Well folks, so is ignoring starvation and the politics that ignore the basic living needs of humans, like clean water and sanitation. Weapons of Mass Destruction?? The United States is the world's biggest arms dealer, and has a long history of supplying the entire world with weapons of destruction, including people who quickly become our enemies. Name our enemies--- we sold them weapons and technology of mass destruction. It's very profitable! Yes, death is a great business to be in. The war in Iraq alone has made some US companies A LOT of MONEY. And YOU paid for it. **** If you know brain basics, and brain self-control psychology- its quite amazing to look at the politics of this campaign in the terms of selling FEAR.The Kerry campaign is based less on these qualities, as is the general political direction of the democrats. Yet, it's still interesting (and at the same time somewhat sad) to see Kerry appeal to the borderline "undecided" voters, who will make or break the next presidential bid. Imagine-- our next president will be picked by people who have not yet understood the differences between these candidates--- FRIGHTENING, isn't it?! So, Kerry also has elements of reptilian brain appeal in his campaign- but less so than the Bush program. But a little difference, will make a big difference in the end. If you already have figured this out- ACT NOW. We cannot afford four more years- science and research will suffer, human rights will suffer, global influence will suffer, peace will suffer, jobs will suffer, health care will suffer. You've seen EVERYTHING go downhill this past 4 years-- it can get worse. A very few votes can make all the difference in the world: Take RESPONSIBILITY for YOUR government-- just like our founding fathers- Kick out King George, again. Volunteer- drive people to the polls, register people, put up signs, give money if you think this would help. Personally, I think Ralph Nader would make the best president- but that's not going to defeat George Bush and Company this time around. Kerry is not light years better- but he's definitely better, no question. It's the best we can do- and it will change direction from where we're headed now- which is disaster compounded. Social Intelligence Action is an expression of high advanced frontal lobes forward clicking behavior.... just watching your own government deteriorate is not. ;-) Okay, that's my political opinion. If you disagree, so be it. Now back to science.... |