The AMYGDALAThe Amygdala (ah-MIG-doll-uh) is a little "nut shaped" organ (and part of your brain) located about one inch inside from the side of your ears. You have two amydalae, one for the left brain hemisphere, and another for the right hemisphere. When the front part of your amygdala is turned on you experience POSITIVE emotion. When the back part of your amygdala is turned on, you experience NEGATIVE emotion. The trick is to Click Click Click your Amygdala Forward and experience continuous positive brain-power fun.MAIN BRAIN PARTS The human brain is really 3 brains in 1. It is a reptile
brain (your brain stem) surrounded by an emotional/social
mammal brain, further surrounded by your big wrinkly
primate brain which computes more advanced thinking. The
front 1/3 portion of this primate brain, the part from
your ears forward, is the most advanced part of your brain
called THE FRONTAL LOBES. It is this part which makes
humans unique and allows conceptual and abstract thinking.
Your amygdala is an automatic BRAIN
THERMOSTAT. It automatically tells you how much of your
brain has been turned on by your EMOTIONS.
Happy emotions indicate advanced frontal lobes circuits
are connected. Miserable emotions indicate that you are in
puny reptile brain circuits. Emotions are just like those
indicator lights in your car "Oil Pressure" "Temperature".
When positive emotion is low, advanced brain fuction is
low. Negative emotion (fear, anger, depression, boredom)
is a warning signal: "Turn on
Frontal Lobes to get going!." Positive
emotion [happy] is a built in REWARD MECHANISM to encourage
you to keep frontal lobes advanced circuits open;
"Keep it up!!" This is nature's brilliant method for
encouraging further evolution of wo/mankind and billions
of human brains.