From: Manu <dreamofpeace@xxxxx.net>
Date: Mon, 4  Jan  2010

I just finished reading the PDF version of the Book of Wands. Dude,  it totally rocked! 

P.S. Let me say a little more about how good it was: it's one of the best books I ever read.  It's not just a book, but a Tool to help  change your consciousness.  It sets a new standard for what books are  capable of doing, and for what I personally aspire to write someday.   My deepest thanks for the book.

Sent from my iPod -Best Wishes, Manu (from Seattle)

*                    *                    *

"Jim" <jcmullica@xxxxx.com>
Subject: Book Review

Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2009 10:04:15 -0700

I finished the last page of this brilliant manuscript…I must read it again.  As a writer myself, I’m usually skeptical of large volumes, but was pleasantly surprised of the content and the ease of reading.   Neil takes you on an adventure from page one to the last page.  His story incorporates scenarios that will keep you not only turning  to the next page, but  wishing that the end of the book never comes.  This book is not only a must read but an adventure for everyone…adult and children alike! 

-James Mullica, Hollywood Screenwriter

*                    *                    *

From: "Cheryl " <bluebird@xxxxx.net>
Date: Wed, 16  Dec  2009

Hi Neil,

I just finished reading The Book Of Wands- I love it.  I had so many experiences along the way and I traveled everywhere.  I now have better brain control.  This book was the trigger to understanding.  Not only understanding of brain function but that of my own life.  I see a little bit of me in every character...some more so than others. 


It has been a total BLAST reading it.  I've read your stuff, fiddled around with a feather but really was only  dusting until NOW. Thanks!

Thank you sooo much!!
Cheryl Kay



From: "G. Joseph " <gjm3@xxxxxx.com>
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2009
To: Neil Slade <neil@neilslade.com>

Dear Neil,
I am definitely not your target audience! Without getting into specific details of why, you may assume I'm correct in my self-evaluation. Regardless,
I've found your Book of Wands to be entertaining and engaging. Would I have every picked up this book at the store? "Absolutely not" is the only answer to my own question.

However, am I glad that I stumbled upon your book and plowed through the first several hundred pages
on my iPhone?  I happy to say that I can give an unqualified "yes".  Good luck and thank you.








This is the FIRST EDITION, pre-dating the Secret of The Dormant Brain Lab.






Complete and Un-abridged 1111 Pages Easy To Read Type (Printable) Adobe PDF

ANYWHERE In the WORLD $19.95













From: "G. Joseph " <gjm3@xxxxxx.com>
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2009
To: Neil Slade <neil@neilslade.com>

Dear Neil,
I am definitely not your target audience! Without getting into specific details of why, you may assume I'm correct in my self-evaluation. Regardless,
I've found your Book of Wands to be entertaining and engaging. Would I have every picked up this book at the store? "Absolutely not" is the only answer to my own question.

However, am I glad that I stumbled upon your book and plowed through the first several hundred pages
on my iPhone?  I happy to say that I can give an unqualified "yes".  Good luck and thank you.



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