(This is a copy of the page found at http://www.neilslade.com/CaptainSherlockSolves911.html)








A Film By Neil Slade


With Captain Field McConnell*

And David Hawkins





1 hour 16 minutes

Film and comments below


(This is a copy of the page found at http://www.neilslade.com/CaptainSherlockSolves911.html)


(Above- Mrs. Jeff Fagan, a friend and one of our team illustrators from the film)




To broaden one's perspective, this assuredly is NOT your typical 9/11 documentary, for certain. And it was not designed to be such.

I have relied on a good amount of symbolism, music, and non-verbal scenes that express emotions and things usually omitted in "facts only" films. It must be looked at in a broader sense, and with some intelligent insight and the ability to understand and appreciate non-verbal film expression. My apologies to anyone who doesn't understand this style of film, more common in European and Asian film production, of which I am well versed.

On top of that, the coloring, editing, and effects used in the presentation may have been enough to throw some observers for a loop. And then of course, once one person throws in a negative comment, people love to jump on the bashing band wagon.

That aside...

Please note, Dylan Avery of "Loose Change" worked with me in allowing an excerpt from his film to be used in mine. I am friends with very progressive people in the 9/11 Truth movement, and I was quite conscientious about any material or claims in my film. I have worked with Dr. Stephen Jones, and arranged for him to make an earlier appearance back in 2006 at the University of Denver for our Rocky Mountain regional 9/11 group, and I've also been very appreciative of the work of all the people like Richard Gage (whom I've also spoken with in person) at www.ae911truth.org, and who was appreciative of the film.

The film revolves around an interview with an ex-military pilot, Field McConnell, who shares little with the typical "9/11 Truther" image.  His social and political views (clearly evident from his web site if not from the film itself), are very different from my own and most likely from most persons contemplating the real perpetrators behind 9/11. But I think it was very important to show that the 9/11 issue, and the dispute with the major media and government explanation, is not limited to Democrats, Green Party members, those who would absolve the US government, and "conspiracy nut cases" (which I never thought was the case anyway).  We also used the talents of David Hawkins, a friend of McConnell to help pick and develop concepts presented in the film.

Importantly, McConnell is NOT a slick professional speaker, and it may seem initially to some that this is reason alone to dismiss the film. But, that is a fatal mistake in information gathering. We all are far too familiar with politicians and con artists who talk a great game- but underneath, they are manipulating crooks. McConnell is just a regular guy, with an extraordinary experience and skill piloting planes that few of us can ever claim to possess.

I think it is extraordinarily healthy that we see 9/11 truth through the eyes of a couple of guys "from the other side".

Even if you don't believe anything else McConnell and Hawkins proclaim elsewhere, I made a concerted effort to only keep in the film what I believed was supported by logic and hard evidence, and there were many things I refused to put in the film.

The film spends a fair amount of time looking at McConnell's background in the air force, and this was quite deliberate so as to show here was someone that was not a left wing liberal who questioned the "official" explanation of the events of 9/11.

Two particularly unique contributions of the film, especially at the time of it's release in 2007, was recognition of the role of the Canadian Air Force in the war games being enacted on 9/11- i.e. the stand down of the USAF and the transfer of protection to other military forces during that day. The other notable observation is the inherent dependence on satellite technology and surveillance, and the persons who were commanding that data during the attacks.

McConnell gives a good insider's look at the claims of plane flights that day, extremely important to come from an air-force pilot and not an arm chair internet geek, and gives a good rebuttal to "the official facts". His delivery of the scenario of multiple planes being used on that day (drone and observation planes in addition to the "missing" planes) is a hypothesis that has been embraced by a great many respected people at this current date.

I think it is a strong film specifically because of the testimony of an experience air-force pilot, and ironically because of his political/social views are so different from what we expect from someone contradicting the government/media explanation of 9/11.  For this fact alone, the film is indispensable, because at least half this country is not of the liberal- left wing school- It is imperative to those people in the middle and right side of things that even they can understand why the official/major media account of 9/11 is hogwash, and that they don't have to abandon centrist or right political aspirations to embrace the truth of 9/11.

Imagine that.

Try embracing something outside your own safe circle.

Thanks again for your consideration.
Neil Slade July 2011





"Captain Sherlock Solves 911"- Neil Slade


Captain Sherlock Solves 9/11 was a film that I made after I became interested in the September 9/11 events in 2006.  I had watched a documentary by Stephen Jones, physicist, and soon after introduced myself to Dr. Jones through email.  After a short correspondence he personally asked me to join a professional non-public 9/11 discussion group.


In that group I also met David Hawkins, an Oxford graduate with experience in the oil fields, mathematics, and filed explosives and with whom I eventually discussed my idea to produce a film about 9/11 with his help. Hawkins had made friends with an ex-Air Force Pilot, Field McConnell, and I believed an interview with McConnell would make a good film explaining some alternate ideas about the events of 9/11.


Field McConnell came to Denver for 3 days in the spring of 2007, and I interviewed him on tape. We talked with David Hawkins over the phone and we all agreed on concepts and ideas that eventually would make the final cut.  A couple of months later I completed the editing of the film and released it on the Internet and produced some DVDs.


After the film was completed, I built a web site for the film and the DVD for it's distribution. I entered the film in several film festivals.


Before long, I transferred the film's title domain to Field McConnell, the pilot whom I interviewed for the film, in that he expressed hopes to further promote the film, and that he would bear the costs for the maintenance of the web site.


However, shortly thereafter, I found myself at great odds with the political and social views expressed by both Field McConnell and David Hawkins (another participant), their additional web pages and articles linked to and added to the site that I had initially designed and envisioned only as a web page to promote the film.


A year later in 2008 I added a "disclaimer" at the start of Captain Sherlock Solves 9/11 in which I voice my differences with the other two participants in the film project beyond the stated content in the film itself. This copy of the film replaced the original where ever it occurred, online, on on DVD.


I feel it necessary need to make clear my objections to having the "Captain Sherlock Solves 911" being associated in any way and being promoted on web pages that I feel have no connection with the content of that film, such as other political and social views that I believe are neither my own, nor helpful to the topic of 9/11 investigations.


The film was never intended to promote anything else. The film stands on its own, and in no way is associated with any ideology, political view, opinion, or individual.


Beyond what is presented in the film itself, beyond what is the actual content contained in "Captain Sherlock Solves 911", no comments, nor any content in print, or on the Internet made by any other persons, including Field McConnell nor David Hawkins reflect my own opinion.


I also recommend as an alternative the following sites for information and high quality films on the subject of 9/11





-Neil Slade, July 2011

Captain Sherlock Solves 911 (c)2007-2008 Neil Slade






     The "9/11 SOLVED" DVD  xxxxxxxxxxxx  This is an INDEPENDENT documentary about the events, and technical aspects of 9/11 seen through the eyes of a pilot.

     This full production DVD film presents new evidence, ground breaking interviews featuring Top Gun Military/Commercial Pilot Field McConnell and  Forensic Economist David Hawkins, scale model recreations and detailed evaluation based on all the hard data, with an original music score, audio commentary and more.

        It is a story you have not yet been told nor heard anywhere else, containing information by perhaps the ultimate non-partisan, non-political scientific and aeronautic experts on 9/11.    Many consider this the breakthrough film about the HOW and WHO of 9/11, told in an artful and unforgettable way.


"It is a piece of art --- much more beautiful than most documentary films - I like the way you present and demonstrate the events--- genius ideas! I am watching again --- it is enlightening AND wonderful to look at --- you are a "Felinian"..."      


"A moving, and beautiful film, that brought us to tears in the final scene- totally original- this film is a WINNER."


"My compliments on a job well done. The symbolism and leitmotifs throughout the picture added resonance to the message and served the cause well."  -Peter Tedesco, Getthefacts911


"Good film!  I will write a review-- I think I may be one of the few who "get it." (30 year experience as a professional documentary film maker and film critic.)


CURRENTLY, Captain Sherlock Solves 9/11 DVD is not available- Please check again soon.



Physical DVD Inside USA Includes Free Postage $14.95



Physical DVD INTERNATIONAL adds $5 Global Priority postage $19.95 Total

Anywhere outside USA



























































Alas, Google requires me to post such links to remain in a good spot on their engine, thanks- Neil

My own alternative sites for PRINTED and online download info:



and then there is...



