Some rain reported in BC Canada- no deluge, but perhaps some continued brain effort will yield further desirable results. Lots of cloud cover all week- maybe more concentrated sincere effort is needed! Vancouver reported some heavy rain as well.
1) Click your amygdala forward.
2) Send postive frontal lobes brain energy out from your forehead out and towards into the air above SE British Columbia, 250 miles north of Vancouver (on the mainland, right across from the big "finger" island off the west coast)
3) Let your brain energy merge with all the other Brain Explorer clickers to help condense moisture above, and cause rain to fall onto the region. LET go of the energy. Don't try "hard" or dwell on it. It's just like shooting an arrow. Aim, and let go.
4) Post notes around your house to remind you to continue for the next 24-48 hours whenever you think of it (just repeat briefly the above.) It just takes a minute or even less to do- it's easy.
5) Revisit this page for results over the next few days.
These type of weather manipulating demonstrates are just the start of the incredible types of things society and YOU PERSONALLY will begin to experience once you begin self-stimulating newly discovered areas of your brain- triggered by "clicking your amygdala forward". This includes genius levels of creativity, super intelligence, incredible pre-existing pleasure circuits in your brain, as well as such hidden functions as pre-cognition, clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy, telekinesis, and can allow the ability to communicate with non-ordinary physical and non-physical intelligences and entities. Studies at Colorado's Dormant Brain Research and Development Laboratory for over 35 years, using scientific method has proven how this can be done- by you- as easy as clicking on a light switch.
Please visit all the other locations, pages and articles at this site and keep in touch!- Neil